Saber Article Index
Mike Bodnar
13010 N. Lakeforest Dr.
Sun City,
AZ 85351-3250
(623) 972-4395
I was forwarded another View of the night battle at FSB David in
Cambodia, June 1970. Email from: <>
, Carlisle, PA. Si, 1-5 Cav & CO, Echo Company 1-5 Cave at FSB David who
served 20 1969-19 Feb 1971. Comments: For Mike Bodnar: "Your comments about
FSB David after the BOE HQ left are pretty much on the mark. A couple of
minor points: first, the recoilless fire we took was from a 75mm RR. Our S2,
an unhappy but superb reserve CPT recalled to duty to serve in Vietnam,
identified them as 75mm and noted that the only NVA units with them were NVA
regiments. We (1-5 Cav. I think) did lose one Soldier in a hammock. after
the Troops had been repeatedly told by our NCOs to dig in and NOT to use a
hammock. Within about 20-30 minutes we had a 'Pink Team' (Cobra and OH--0)
overhead. and then not too Jong later we beard the 4-engine drone of
anAC-130.calledeither SHADOW or SPECTER. not PUFF.theAC-47. The AC-130
sprayed the area from where we calculated the RR fire bad come, and he got
at least one secondary explosion. A couple of hours later, another AC-130
showed up and the first left. We had AC-130 coverage through the night
because there was concern that, having been attacked on 14 June 1970, they
would mount a regimental assault on FSB David, which had far fewer men
defending the same size perimeter.
"As for the attack on FSB David, with no supporting artillery in range
and no air support because of the weather, our Direct Support Artillery
Battery (C 2-19) and our own Echo Company mortars played a critical role in
our defense. I heard one report that C 2-19 was down to less than 50 rounds
remaining before the emergency ammo resupply arrived. My Echo Company bad
all the 1-5 Cav mortars, and I think I had 11 or 12 tubes manned that night.
The 81mm crews fired about 640 rounds of illumination and nearly 1550 rounds
of HE, never pulling one HE round inside the berm, while working under fire.
At an E 1 -5 Cav reunion a few years ago, I pointed out to the 11C mortar
men what a critical role they played that night. Many of them had felt that
they bad 'not done much' while serving in Vietnam. I think I was able to
correct that misperception. I en1oy reading your accounts. especially from
the safety of my living room! God Bless. Mike Crutcher".
I received an email with an image from'67-'68 MEDEVAC 21 Art Jacobs who
said: "Mike: A guy I know at Fort Campbell came across this homemade looking
patch and has no idea regarding its origin.
"It could be vintage 1965
when the Cav went to Vietnam. or it could be another Air Ambulance
organization and was an
individual pilot's callsign number. You may want
publish this in the next Saber and see if recognize it. Art" If anyone
recognizes it, please let us know.
If you missed it there was mention in the last Saber·LRRP Ranger\News
about receiving email from MEDEVAC 8 Monty Halcomb. He is trying to contact
LRRP personnel whom he had extracted around LZ Mace in1970. Then MEDEVAC 8
made the decision to override policy orders to only extract wounded when he
heard on the radio about some LRRPs who were surrounded and had no other
immediate way to get extracted.
Apparently. MEDEVAC 8 already had an almost full helicopter but helping
the LRRPs was also needed, so they did. Monty Halcomb gives
<> for information.
I received the following as snail mail from Ron Snub: "Hi Mike. thanks
for doing such a great job with the Saber. We hardly ever hear from anyone
from A, B, or C Company, so thought I'd put in my two cents. My adventure
started on the night of 28 July 65 in our barracks at Fort Benning. I was a
PFC medic in Company C, 11th Medical Bn., 11th Air Assault Division. We were
listening to the radio because pres. Johnson was going to vgive a mjor talk
concerning Vietnam. He said, ' the situation in Vietnam is worsening. I have
todayordered the Army's Air Assault Divion to Vietnam.' We were the only Air
Assault Unit in the Army. The next morning formation our 1st Sgt told us
were were now Company C, 15th Medical Bn, 1st Cavalry Division Airmobile and
we would be leaving for Vietnam in two weeks.
'"The Company would be spending one month going over on old Navy ships.
Five of us medics would be flown over on Air Force C-130's with the Advance
Party of the 8th Engineers. I do have bragging rights. I was not only on the
first plane to land there. but also the very first medic from the 15th Med
Bn to set foot in Vietnam because l was sitting in the last cargo net next
to the off ramp on 20 Aug 65. I have a copy of the 'Daily Staff Journal'
dated 21 Aug 65 showing that PFC Johnson. PFC Tommie Cole, and myself
arrived at Nha rang on 20 Aug 65. Three others from C 15th Med arrived on
21Aug 65.
'Tommie Cole and I put our poncho's together and that was our home for
that first week. As each C-130 landed the three of us PFCs would give
everyone two shots of gamma globulin in their rear ends. I still remember
the first one. This Major walked up to me, an E-3 and I said, 'Major, turn
around and drop your pants.' When I put that first needle in his ass, we
both jumped a couple of inches. After another 20 or so Soldiers it got very
easy, at least for me. After one week we all flew up to our new Base Camp
near An Khe. Tommie Cole shared the pup tent with me until the day the rest
of Company C arrived the day before my 20th birthday. 17 Sept 65. And from
there, the adventures continued. Ron Strub. 423 E. Madison St. Caledonia,
MN. 55921 <>
"PS: Mike. feel free to give my name & address out with the story. Thank
you. my friend.
FIRST TEAM! Garryowen
Mike Bodnar 2\7 '69
MEDEVAC 1-7\70