Unit Member Search

Below you will find the Member's List for the 15th Medical Battalion. Much of the data is quite old but attempts are being made to update these data. Hopefully the search you conduct finds the person or persons you're looking for. The searchable datable is also good for finding members that may reside in your town or state.

In order to keep refining the database we need your help in letting us know of edits or corrections that need to be made. When you see inaccurate data, please take the time to fill out the Edit/Correction Form to let us know of the inaccuracy.

And last, please remember the information below is generated by a computer and not a human. So if you are searching for everyone in Company A and type into the search block just the letter "a", you'll get all the A Co folks as well as all the Medevac folks because there is an "a" in Medevac.

SFC Aamodt Gerroll L. 387 Lost Lake Drive Devide CO 78081 719-687-2183 C Co 66 gerroll_aamodtsr@yahoo.com
Adams David R. 349 Greenbank Road Falmouth VA 22406 540-373-1678 Medevac 69-70
WO1 Adams Victor Hardangerv 553-5268 Haukeland Hordaland Norway 69-70 victorjadam@online.no
Addabbo Mario 149 Fuller St. Brookline MA 2446 617-277-0714 B Co 67-68 gasmanmd33@mail.com
WO1 Ahern Mike 1603 S. Allice Dr. El Reno OK 73036 405-517-7062 Medevac 66-67 ahern001@cox.net
SSG Ainsworth Walter F. 1917 Blueridge Pkwy Langview TX 75605 903-297-3581 A Co 69-70 waltguya@aol.com
Albert Al 318 Calistoga Street W. Orting WA 98360 609-893-2154 66-67 mro@olypen.com
SP4 Albright Otto 4610 Martin Luther King Blv Denver CO 80207 303-388-9952 HHC 71
CW2 Albright Fred RR2 Holidaysburg PA 16648 814-695-6937 HSC 70-71
E4 Aldridge Bobby J. 3517 Dale Hollow Rd Anniston AL 36207 256-237-3947 D Co 69 louisea@mindspring.com
SP5 Alfe Michael 4553 244th Place SE Issaquah WA 98029 426-391-3658 C Co 70-74 mikealfe@comcast.net
SSG Allen John PO Box 214213 S. Daytona FL 32121 603-520-2078 65
CPL Allen Alton M. 11819 Bay Cedar Houston TX 77048 713-668-6535 HHC 68
SSG Allen John P. 74 Eagle Ledge Loop Conway NH 3813 603-356-7278 HSC 65
SP4 Allen Mil J. 2100 Young Avenue Lake Isabella CA 93240 760-376-3094 HHC 65 medegunner756@wmconnect.com
SGT Allen Larry 9147 Eagle Ledge Lp Newport MI 48166 C Co 68-69 allenlan@aol.com
Allen Ashby allen@lcsherrif.com
SP4 Allen Bradley C. 18312 SE 12th Circle Vancouver WA 98683 360-260-2314 C Co 70
WO1 Allison Ralph Jr. 1312 E. Brow Road Signal Mountain TN 37377 423-886-2192 Medevac
SP5 Andrews Gary E. PO Box 10100 MCS Daton OH 45402 937-825-9899 A Co 69
PFC Anthony Danny 1312 E. Brow Road Signal Mountain TN 37377 423-886-2192 HHC
CPL Antley Eugene 12241 Lakeview Drive Edinboro PA 16412 814-734-7220 62
CPT Appel Leonard 16320 Bawtry Court Bowie MD 20715 301-464-4748
CW3 Archambault Kenneth 79 Cranview Road Brewster MA 02631 508-385-5519 67-68 kenarch@capecod.net
SGT Archambeault Francis 2176 Lakeshore Road Talbott TN 37877 423-586-3894 67-68 archiefeau@charter.net

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