Saber Article Index
Mike Bodnar
13010 N. Lakeforest Dr.
Sun City,
AZ 85351-3250
(623) 972-4395
I received a telephone call
on April 06, from ‘68-’69 A
Company 15th MED member
Dennis Mabee, of Oskaloosa,
IA. Dennis informed me of the
passing/deaths of other 15th
MED members; Eugene Dangel, from PA; and Jerry Carr from Little Rock, AR. Dennis said that they were both medics with him at A Co 15th MED in Tay
Ninh. Dennis himself, said he was first up north at LZ Sharon, and then made
the move with the division down to III Corps, and to Tay Ninh, the new location
of A 15th MED. Dennis said those two medics were not up north with him.
Dennis said that his MOS was 63B20, which was a Light Wheel Vehicle Mechanic. He said that is what he wanted to do, so enlisted to do that, controlling
his own MOS fate and destiny. The U.S. Army apparently needed that MOS so
created the slots for it; of course.
Dennis said that after returning to CONUS from Vietnam he was with the 1st
Armored Division at Ft. Hood. He said that the 1st Cav was also at Ft. Hood,
during his time there, but said that his ETS was in ‘70.
I mention here other passing/deaths of 15th MED
members whose obits show on the 15th MED Assn
website. Clyde D. “Gus” Bensenhaver, age 82, of Rig
Road, Moorefield, WV, who passed away on Sunday,
November 27, 2022, at Pendleton Manor in Franklin,
WV. He was born on September 4, 1940, and served
in the 15th Medical Battalion. The 1st Cav Assn says
he lists B Co, 15th MED 1965.

Also, James V. Belair, Sr.
age 74 of Williamstown, NJ
passed away on Tuesday, 20
December 2022. The 15th
MED Assn obit says, “Jim
was a proud Veteran of the
US Army and served four tours in Vietnam, receiving
many medals and commendations. Jim served his last
tour with the 15th Medical Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division,
Airmobile as a valued member of the air ambulance
helicopter maintenance team.” The 1st Cav Assn has
him as 15th MED 1968.
If I recall correctly, I remember Jim was a door gunner while I was in MEDEVAC in ‘70. 15th MED Assn
founder crew chief Sherman Breedan’s-AKA SNORE-old website lists him with
a DEROS of 12 JUL 71. I do not know how accurate that is, but at least he is on
that list. A 15th MED roster from the 1st Cav Div Assn shows him listed as early
as ‘67. His obit lists him with four tours, so anything is possible, if that is true.
FIRST TEAM! Garryowen
Mike Bodnar
2\7 '69
MEDEVAC 1-7\70