There was only one elected officer at the
meeting, the secretary Ron Huether, and he deferred from taking charge of
the meeting. Host Jim Ramsey called the meeting to order.
The first order of business was whether to
ratify the constitution and by-laws, as written, or to simplify the form and
content. Jim Ramsey proposed that the constitution and by-laws be simplified
and offered a sample of his proposal.
The proposal was presented to the body, read
and a motion was made, by Mike Smith, to accept the modified constitution
and by-laws. Seconded by Ed Miranda. The vote was unanimous, and the
proposal approved.
The next order of business was to nominate
and elect the two elected officials: President and Vice President. Larry Ash
nominated Mike Smith as President and there were no other nominations. The
vote was unanimous and Mike Smith was elected President.
Jim Ramsey nominated Larry Ash as Vice
President. There were no other nominations. The vote was unanimous, and
Larry Ash was elected Vice President.
All other offices were to be by appointment
of the President, with input from the Vice President.
The Vice President volunteered to serve this
term as Secretary as well as his elected office.
The site and time of the next reunion was
discussed, and Jim Ramsey was, once again, selected as coordinator for this
event. It was proposed and approved that the next meeting of the 15th Med
Association be held In Albuquerque, NM during the weekend of June 15th
through the 17th of 2001. Coordinator, Jim Ramsey will make arrangements.
It was decided that each member would bear
their own expenses of travel, lodging, drinks, and food. Every effort will
be made to notify former members of the 15th Medical Battalion for the
purposes of this reunion.
The meeting was adjourned until June 2001.
Larry L. Ash

Our annual 20-minute meeting: L-R: Cindy Flowers, Clyde "Gus"
Bensonhaver, girlfriend Patsy and Jim Belair.

Serious listeners. L-R: Elden Ideius, Joe
Kelly, unknown, Ron Huether, Gus
Bensonhaver and Patsy.

Are these guys really serious? L-R:
Huey, Gus, Patsy, Smitty
and Jim Ramsey.

Doesn't look serious to me. Mike "Smitty"
Smith, Jim Ramsey
and Linda Mirinda

A Very Solemn Moment. John Tabor
reads our last letter from Sherman
"Snore" Breeden. God Rest His Soul!

In the Hospitality Suite. Cindy Flowers
and John Tabor kick-back. Notice the flag
in the window.

Maxi-Me Pontificates in Hospitality - Cindy,
Patsy, Dan Weaver, ? (help me out here),
David Smith, Jim Kearney and Jim Ramsey

There's nothing like a good conversation
and great hospitality. Linda Mirinda and
Leroy "Pineapple" Espinosa.

Pineapple and the ever smiling Ed Mirinda

AMEDD Museum - Ft. Sam Houston.
Cindy and Ken "Doc Nose" Flowers

Larry Ash in front of the Vietnam Exhibit.

The Ramsey's, Barb and Jim, at the
Vietnam Display.

Linda, Ed, David, Mike and Larry

THE POKER TABLE. Who says it doesn't
rain in Southern Texas? It did that weekend.

the Hospitality Suite

Jim Kelly and Jim Belair

Jim and Smitty, engrossed in

"That minnow was this big!"

Kelly's Girlfriend, Belair and Baby Huey.

Our two medics from the An Khe Dispensary: John Roselli and John

"Doc Nose" presides over the poker game. (Notice the rain through
the window.)

Gee, Weave, where's YOUR hat?

Pineapple plays them close to the vest.

Angie Ash (seated), Ken Flowers, Mrs. Tabor and John, as well as,
Cindy Flowers (seated). The amateurs watch the professionals.

We KNOW how to eat. L-R: Elden, Susan
and Ron (Baby Huey).

Cindy and Huey in a deep discussion.

Ed Mirinda and Joe Kelly enjoy "THE DINNER".

Other side of table, L-R: Jim & Barb
Ramsey and Joe Kelly.

Good food, good friends and lots of local

Barb, Jim, Ed, Joe & Guest and Jim Belair.

The Beautiful Barb: our Hostess.

Pineapple eyes the ladies...Tim & Mrs.
Kirwin, Linda Mirinda and Leroy.

Left Side: Mrs. Tabor, Ken & Cindy Flowers and Angie Ash.End: John
Zwalinski Right Side: John Roselli, Elden Ideius and Ron "Huey"

Susan turns away as Huey picks his
nose.....10-4, Good Buddy.

Baby Huey's wife Susan

John Roselli and Elden Ideius

Mrs. Tabor and "Doc Nose" in a serious confab.

Cindy Flowers, getting her courage up for
a bullfight.

Angie Ash; daughter of Larry Ash. Background: Jim Ramsey, Ed Mirinda,
Joe Kelly & Girlfriend, Jim Belair and David Smith.

Mike "Smitty" Smith; new Association

Jim Belair in deep conversation, while Barb Ramsey reads some of the
Unit History.

Jim and Barb Ramsey; our gracious Host and Hostess. To the Right:
Jim Kelly, Medic.

Dan "Weeve" Weaver, "Gunner" and Clyde
"Gus" Bensonhaver who was with the original 11th Air Assault and
came to Vietnam as 15th Med Bn.