2000 Reunion

Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them to medevac2@15thmedbnassociation.org and we'll see about getting them added to this photos page so other can enjoy them.


President - Mike "Smitty" Smith
Vice President - Larry Ash


Secretary - Larry Ash
Database Operator - Denny Cherry

Other appointments may be made at the President's discretion.

15th Med Association
Minutes - 2000 Meeting
San Antonio, TX

There was only one elected officer at the meeting, the secretary Ron Huether, and he deferred from taking charge of the meeting. Host Jim Ramsey called the meeting to order.

The first order of business was whether to ratify the constitution and by-laws, as written, or to simplify the form and content. Jim Ramsey proposed that the constitution and by-laws be simplified and offered a sample of his proposal.

The proposal was presented to the body, read and a motion was made, by Mike Smith, to accept the modified constitution and by-laws. Seconded by Ed Miranda. The vote was unanimous, and the proposal approved.

The next order of business was to nominate and elect the two elected officials: President and Vice President. Larry Ash nominated Mike Smith as President and there were no other nominations. The vote was unanimous and Mike Smith was elected President.

Jim Ramsey nominated Larry Ash as Vice President. There were no other nominations. The vote was unanimous, and Larry Ash was elected Vice President.

All other offices were to be by appointment of the President, with input from the Vice President.

The Vice President volunteered to serve this term as Secretary as well as his elected office.

The site and time of the next reunion was discussed, and Jim Ramsey was, once again, selected as coordinator for this event. It was proposed and approved that the next meeting of the 15th Med Association be held In Albuquerque, NM during the weekend of June 15th through the 17th of 2001. Coordinator, Jim Ramsey will make arrangements.

It was decided that each member would bear their own expenses of travel, lodging, drinks, and food. Every effort will be made to notify former members of the 15th Medical Battalion for the purposes of this reunion.

The meeting was adjourned until June 2001.

Larry L. Ash

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