2003 Reunion

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President - Murray Gibbs
Vice President - Dan Weaver
Treasurer - Robert McKinley
Alt Replacement -  Jim Calibro


Secretary - Larry Ash
Database Operator - Denny Cherry
Reunion Coordinator - Corky Walsh
Other appointments made at the President's discretion.

15th Med Association
Minutes - 2003 Meeting
Orlando, FL

The meeting was called to order by President Corky Walsh in a meeting area Of the Holiday Inn. Since one of the office members, Vice President Elden Ideius, was lost to an unfortunate accident, we all silently prayed for one minute to honor him.

Old business was a discussion of the purpose of the 15th Med Association. Larry Ash read the objectives of the Association.

The treasury funds were brought up. All agreed that the funds should not come from dues but donations. Murray Gibbs recommended that dues should only be requested if the funds drop to a certain level. The level of $500.00 was established and the recommendation was accepted unanimously.

Corky Walsh said that we should keep politics out of the Association. We are a military unit and that we need to be looking for all our lost brothers. Corky said that every person that served from Korea to Vietnam are already a member. With that declared we should be looking out for lost brother and not forming any kind of politics. All present members agreed unanimously.

A motion was made to elect the 2003 - 2004 officers. Due to the loss of Elden Ideius another motion was made to elect an alternate replacement in case one of the officers cannot fill his duties for some reason. All agreed unanimously.

Jim Calibro nominated Murray Gibbs for President. The nomination was seconded, and the members present voted unanimously.

Larry Ash nominated Dan Weaver for Vice President. The nomination was seconded, and the members present voted unanimously.

Corky Walsh nominated Bob McKinley for Treasurer. The nomination was seconded, and the members present voted unanimously.

Nomination for Alt-Replacement came up and Jim Calibro was nominated. It was seconded and voted unanimously.

The previous Secretary was Larry Ash. The new President Murray Gibbs re-appointed Larry Ash to continue in the job he knows very well.

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