2004 Reunion
Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them
to medevac2@15thmedbnassociation.org and we'll see about getting them added
to this photos page so other can enjoy them.
President— Murray Gibbs
Vice President — Jim
Treasurer — Robert McKinley
Alt Replacement— James McDonald
Appointed OFFICERS
Secretary — Maurice "Corky" Walsh
Operator/Webmaster — James McDonald
Search Coordinator— Norm Roberge
Reunion Coordinator — Tim
Historians Bill Downey, Art Martin & Larry Ash
Other appointments made at the President's discretion.
15th Med Association
Minutes — 2004 Meeting
Portland Oregon
The meeting was called to order by President Murray Gibbs in the
Hospitality Room of the Doubletree Hotel. President Gibbs introduced the
2003-2004 officers of the 15th Association and distinguished guests. We all
silently prayed for one minute to honor Charles Lawhorn passed away the last
There was no old business from the previous year. Alt Officer Jim Calibro
read the Mission Statement. President Gibbs explained our four-fold mission
to the members present.
Art Jacobs suggested we contact an attorney to
read our Constitution and By-laws for the proper wording. Past President
Mike Smith said Sherman "Snore" Breeden had previously done this when he
organized the Association.
Distinguished guest Col Bill Downey explained the history of the medical
pods used by the 15th Medical Battalion in Viet Nam.
Members then introduced themselves. After introductions, Doug Campbell
read his poem "Sympathetic Journey:" dedicated to the US. Army Medevac
Bob McKinley. Treasurer reported that the 15th Med
Association funds totaled $1077.18. He submitted a copy of the treasury
report reference.
A discussion opened up as to where to hold the next reunion. It was
suggested the next reunion be held in conjunction with the 1st Cavalry
Division Reunion at Fort Hood Texas. Tim Kirwan volunteered as the 2005
Reunion Coordinator.
Mike Smith nominated Murray Gibbs for President. The nomination was
seconded by Doug Campbell. The members present voted unanimously.
Murray Gibbs nominated Jim Calibro for Vice President. The nomination was
seconded by Dan Weaver. The members present voted unanimously.
Murray Gibbs nominated James McDonald for Alt-Replacement. The nomination
was seconded by Art Jacobs. The members present voted unanimously.
Murray Gibbs nominated Bob McKinley for Treasurer. The nomination was
seconded by Corky Walsh. The members present voted unanimously.
Murray Gibbs appointed Corky Walsh for Secretary.
Murray Gibbs also made the following appointment:
- Search Coordinator— Norm Roberge
Database/Webmaster — James
Historians: Col Bill Downey, Art Martin, Art Jacobs
The meeting was concluded until the 2005 Reunion Meeting.
Jim Calibro
Vice President

Pineapple and Corky Walsh

Pineapple 1, Pineapple 2, Bob McKinley & Gus

Members and Wives at Breakfast

Mike "Smitty" Smith and Wife Velma

John Ong

Leroy Espinosa (Pineapple 1), John Ong & Roger Broyer

Leroy Espinosa & John Ong

Dan Weaver smiling

Murray Gibbs talking with Pilot Tom Grove

Jerry Dick in wheel chair & brother Wayne Dick

Randy Burkhart

Jim Victor

Leroy Espinosa, John Ong & Roger Broyer

Pilots Tom Grove & Art Jacobs

Jim Calibro & Richard "Tiny" Mellon

Tom Grove & Jim Calibro

Roger Broyer imitating the Monk our monkey at Camp Radcliffe

Roger Broyer imitating the Monk at LZ English
in the Bong Sons

Murray Gibbs imitating the Monk at LZ English

Jim Minish, Ed Miranda & Mike Bodnar

Wayne Dick, Dustoff medic, Art Martin & James McDonald

Randy Cavanaugh & Dennis Casey

Ed Miranda & Jim Minish

Corky Walsh & Charles Doughertry

Dennis Guthrie & Tim Kirwan

Roger Broyer & Norm Roberge

Norm Roberge & Dennis Casey

Norm Roberge & Art Jacobs

Jim Calibro, Roger Broyer & John Jorgenson

Bob McKinley, Art Martin, Larry Hatch and Larry's wife

James McDonald

John Ong, Leroy Espinosa & Ed Miranda

John Ong, Leroy Espinosa & Ed Miranda & ife.

Darmien Vierra with his wife

Leroy Espinosa, Darmien Vierra, John Ong & Ed Miranda

Motor Cycle that Jim Minish drove from North Carolina