2010 Reunion

Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them to medevac2@15thmedbnassociation.org and we'll see about getting them added to this photos page so other can enjoy them.


President – James Blair
President - David Huser
Treasurer - Robert McKinley
Alt Replacement - Art Jacobs


Secretary - James Calibro
Database Operator/Webmaster - Murray Gibbs
Search Coordinator - Paul Troop
Reunion Coordinator - John Crespi
Historians - Paul Troop (Chaplin), COL Bill Downey
Snail Mail Sender - Norm Roberg
Treasurer - Auditors John Crespi & Fred McKellar
Ladies Aux Coordinator - Velma Smith

Other appointments may be made at the President's discretion.

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