Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them
MY E-MAIL and we'll see about getting them added
to this photos page so other can enjoy them.

First Row: Bob & Sandra McKinley, Roy & Lynne Rains, Arthur &
Yolande Martin, Leo & Linn Williams, Tom & Audrey Garnella, Roger &
Sherry Bodwell, Richard & Patricia Schroder, Rich & Joan Leonard
Second Row: David & Vallerie Huser, John & Barbara Crespi, Ron &
Marlene Ingram, Damian & Joy Vierra, Jon & Cindy Lundquist, Ron &
Susan Huether, Jim & Georgette Ferguson, Floyd & Linda Jackson, Joel
& Chase
Third Row: Denny & Terri Behm, Barry Brown, Henry
Land, Jack & Susan Dahlmann, Monty Halcomb, Lee Caubarreaux, Clyde &
Elida Moore, Joe & Linda Finder
Back Row: Dan & Betty Korty,
Corky Walsh & Judy Miller, Mike Ahern, Dan Toothman, Richard
Medlock, Mike & Velma Smith, Fred & NOra McKeller, Charles
Chambliss, Jim Victor
2017 15th Medical BN Assn. Reunion was an enormous success!
Terry McCarl
The 15th
Medical BN Assn. 2017 Reunion was held in Branson, MO, April 26-30.
Reunion Coordinator Ron Ingram and his wife Marlene don't live what you
would call close to Branson (about 400 miles away), but Branson is a
frequent vacation spot for them, and their familiarity with Branson was
invaluable in putting together an incredible reunion!
turnout was a record! A total of 47 veterans attended; along with
spouses, family, and guests, 86 persons from 23 states were there! For
many veterans, this was their first reunion, and some had not attended
for many years. An enjoyable time was had by all!
Branson Woods Resort is a beautiful reunion/convention facility, Rooms
were spacious and luxurious for a daily group rate of only $63/night!
group had exclusive use of the “Grand Pavilion,” a magnificent open
space building about 150' X 40' where all meetings, daily buffet
breakfasts, the banquet, and socializing could be accomplished.
No visit
to Branson would be complete without attending a first-rate country
music show! Our group saw two great shows, the famous “Baldknobbers,”
and “Raiding the Country Vault.”
group activities consisted of a tour of the Branson Veteran's Memorial
Museum, and a dinner at the Fall Creek Catfish and Steak House, a
long-time Branson institution where the servers toss fresh rolls to
annual Fund-Raising Auction was held after the Banquet on Saturday
evening. The Auction lived up to its tradition of generosity and
fun. Auctioneer Mark "Doc" Holiday and his able "Assistants" Randy
Burkhart and Jim Victor artfully cajoled and coerced the crowd to bid
the most notable donation was by Association Past President Leo "Short
Round" Williams, who donated three leather-bound original editions of
the book, We Were Soldiers Once and Young, by LTG Hal Moore,
autographed by the author plus a photograph of General Moore.
Bidding was vigorous on these treasured books!
Joel and
Chase of Manassas, VA attended the reunion and expressed deep
appreciation for the Medevac rescue and medical treatment. Joel
was Platoon Leader for D Co., 1st of the 5th Cavalry
and was severely wounded at LZ David in Cambodia on June 14, 1970.
He was medevaced to the B Company, 15th Medical BN
Treatment Facility at LZ Buttons, where Dr. Jon Lundquist (then CPT MC)
treated him. Joel would like to find that Medevac crew and thank
them. If you were, or know someone who was on that crew, please
e-mail me at
MY E-MAIL or call
“Huey” Huether was recognized for his outstanding work developing and
running the Association Web site, and was
presented a Lowe's gift certificate for $100.
2017 Reunion
15th Medical Battalion Association
1st Air
Cavalry Division
Business Meeting, Saturday, April 29, 2017
The Business Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Vice
President Fred McKellar. President Larry Hatch was excused due to the
illness of his wife. Opening ceremonies were conducted. All officers
were present except for Larry Hatch, Jim Calibro (Bob McKinley pro tem),
and Norm Roberge.
Letter from President Hatch was read regarding 2016 Reunion and the
mini-Reunion on August 12 and 13, 2016, in Peru. IN. The Minutes of the
previous meeting were not available due to the illness of Jim Calibro. A
motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as they had been
posted on the website. Motion carried.
The Treasurer's report was given. A copy is attached to these
Minutes. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report subject to
audit. Motion carried.
Terry McCarl reported on Membership. See attached report for
information on obtaining a copy of the roster. Terry also reported on
Historian. There are approximately 700 active members. To contact him
e-mail at
Ron Ingram, 2017 Reunion host, reported that 45 rooms had been rented
at the Westgate Hotel and 87 banquet tickets were purchased.
John Crespi, Chaplain, will be giving the opening ceremony at the
Banquet. This will be the Missing Man Ceremony. The cost to the
organization is only $100.
Nominations were opened for Officers for the 2017-2018 year.
President Fred McKellar, Vice President Richard Medlock, Junior Vice
President Jim Ferguson, Treasurer Ron Huether. Ron Huether to open
checking account with Security State Bank & Trust.
Old Business
Ron Huether was recognized for all his work as Web Master. Linn
Vercheski was thanked for doing the Reunion nametags.
New Business
2017 Mini-Reunion in Peru, IN.
2018 Reunion. Recommendation made to hold it in Virginia around
Newport News since this was the site of the first Reunion and 2018 will
be the 20th. By majority Virginia was voted for the site.
Constitution and By-Laws. No changes made at this time.
Joel Chase and his wife Dorothy were introduced. Joel expressed his
thanks for being on a Medevac from a Fire Base in RVN.
In letter from outgoing President Larry Hatch he gave a brief report
on 2016 Peru, IN, and expressed his feelings about his good friend Art
Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 10:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bob McKinley
Secretary Pro Tem
All nominated Officers are unopposed, so Officers were elected as
Appointed Officers
Jim Calibro remained as Secretary with Bob
McKinley appointed as alternate.
John Crespi as Chaplain.
Ron Huether as Web Master.
Velma Smith is liaison for the Ladies Auxiliary.
Trustees are Larry Hatch and Mike Smith.

Branson Wanted Poster

Color Guard entrance

Mark Holiday, Randy Burkart, Jim Victor

Kevin Raftery and Mark Holiday

Mark Holiday and Greg Simpson

Ron (Huey) Huether and Mark Holiday

Barry Brow, Mike Smith, Mark Holiday, and Jim Victor

Mark Holiday, David and Sandra Cooper

Damien Vierra, Jim Ong, Mark Holiday

John Tabor and Mark Holiday

Mark Holiday and Ken Flowers

Monty Halcomb and Mark Holiday

15th Med guys holding in their gut

Marlene Ingram and
Rich Leonard

Mark Holiday, Cathy Holiday, David Cooper

Discussion on how to stop the rain

Roy Rains and Clyde Moore

Roy Rains, Clyde Moore, Adolph Finder

Richard Schroder, Aubrey Hall and Jon Lundquist

Rich Leonard and Velma Smith

Chase and ?

? and Cindy Lundquist

Clyde Moore and Adolph Finder

The fearless crewmembers of 70-71.

Them's fighting words

David Huser

Captain Hook

Arthur Martin

Barbara Crespi and Elida Moore

Linn Williams

Festus, Doc Holiday, and Honda

Rich Leonard and Short Round