2024 Reunion
Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them
to medevac2@15thmedbnassociation.org and we'll see about getting them added
to this photos page so other can enjoy them.

Front row: Barry Brown,
Lawrence Moss, Fred McKellar, Bill Shaw, John Tabor, Leo Williams, Jimmy
Back row: Rick Medlock,
Jimmy Ong, Kevin Raftery, Mike Ahern, Corky Walsh, Dennis Behm, Mike Smith,
Terry McCarl, Dave Sheets, Huey Huether, Floyd Jackson

Front Row: Marilyn Norris, Terie Raftery, Jamie Spisak,
Linn Williams, Nora McKellar, Debbie Tabor, Georgia McCarl
Back row: Jacqueline Gore, Susan Hoefer, Sarah Murphy, Judy
Miller, Barbara Cavanaugh, Lana Brown, Velmer Smith, Terri Behm, Nicki
Call to Order
President Pro Tem (PT)
Tabor called the 15th Medical Battalion Association Annual Business Meeting
to order at 1400.
Executive Committee Members
present were:
Vice President and President PT: John Tabor
Treasurer: Ron Huether
Secretary: Terry McCarl
1-Year Trustee: Barry
2-Year Trustee PT: Rick Medlock
17 Life Members and ten
guests attended the meeting.
Opening Ceremonies
President PT
Tabor welcomed all members and guests to the reunion.
Sergeant-at-Arms PT Corky Walsh led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary McCarl read the list of names of the 45 15th Medical BN KIA’s
during the Vietnam War.
Secretary McCarl read the list of members and
spouses of members who have passed away since the 2023 reunion.
MEMBERS DECEASED: 2023 REUNION to 2024 REUNION (Or came to our attention
during that time frame)
Life Members
Dan Korty 22 Nov 2023
David Watts 16 June 2023
Bruce Lyon 11 Aug 2022
Richard Dubray 06 Sept
Joe Kelly 02 November 2011
Associate Members
Parks (Wife of Dave Parks) 13 Dec 2023
Susan Hall (Wife of Aubrey Hall)
19 Mar 2023
Billie Norris (Wife of Larry Norris) 28 Feb 2021
Crespi (Wife of John Crespi) 15 March 24
Not Members of the 15th Med
BN Association, but known by many of our members
Jon Hodges 09 Jan
Michael Vinyard 24 Dec 2022
Michael Parsons 19 Oct 1998
Mitchell, 18 Jan 2019
Recognition and Honoring of Charter Members.
The names of the 26 Charter Members were read with members standing and
remaining standing as their names were read. Then the group was given a
round of applause. Charter Members present were Barry Brown, Ron Huether,
Jimmy Norris, Mike Smith, John Tabor and Corky Walsh. See Article on Web
site for more information.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
PT Tabor suggested that the minutes from the 2023 reunion in Austin, TX, be
waived due to time limitations. Secretary McCarl announced that the 2023
minutes have been posted on the Association website with the 2023 Reunion
Photos. The waiver of the minutes reading was approved.
Treasurer Huether presented the Treasurer's Report. Copy attached.
Report was approved as read.
He also reported on efforts to have our
Association re-designated from a 501(c)3 to a 501(c)19 organization. This
change would enable us to submit a non-digital return thus avoiding a $169
annual charge to submit a digital return. After several changes in direction
from the IRS, we will be able to submit an application for 501(c) 19
designation in July 2024.
Membership Report
Secretary McCarl
reported that 5 new members have joined the Association since the 2023
Reunion. New members are:
Jon Cronk
Walter Caton
Edward Dial
Wallace Balfour
Auxiliary Report
Auxiliary President Velma Smith reported on the activities of the Auxiliary
in the past year.
Webmaster’s Report
Webmaster Huether gave a
brief report on the status of our Web site, which he created in 2016.
Historian’s Report
Historian McCarl displayed the 35 streamers,
which were donated by the family of the late COL Edward G. Bradshaw. All the
streamers were issued or awarded by the Army Department of Heraldry.
Of the 35 streamers, 24 are Campaign Streamers; 13 Vietnam War; 7 Korean
War; and 4 WW II for the 1st Medical Squadron, the predecessor unit of the
15th Med BN. Campaign Streamers were awarded to all units that participated
in a particular campaign.
Eleven of the streamers are Unit Awards
specifically awarded to the 15th Med BN : 6 Vietnam War; 1 Korean War, and 4
Old Business: None
New Business
2025 Reunion
Location. The location for the 2025 reunion recommended by the EC is
Orlando, FL. Hosts to be Leo Williams and Linn Vercheski.
Reunion : President PT Tabor announced that no site or host has been
recommended by the EC for the 2026 Reunion (which will be the 100-year
Anniversary of activation of the 15th Medical BN) President PT Tabor
reported that the Executive Committee has discussed the possibility of
establishing a location in the center of the continental US (possibly Kansas
City) to hold all subsequent reunions, He asked the Membership what their
feelings would be on that. The general consensus of the group was that the
preference would be alternating the locations around the continental US as
has been traditional.
Amendment to Bylaws
Trustee Brown moved
to amend Bylaws Art III (Members), Section 3 (Membership Categories),
Subsection E (Associate Member) as follows (added wording in bold):
E. Associate Member. The title Associate Member is automatically
conferred upon the current spouse and other family members of any
in good standing. Associate Members have no voting rights or
but can attend Annual Business Meetings or Special
Business Meetings.
Spouses and other family members of deceased
Members shall remain
Associate Members for life and shall be
eligible and encouraged to
register for reunions in the same manner as
Members. Any Associate Member
wishing for time on the agenda should
notify the Association President in
writing 30 days prior to the Annual
Business Meeting. Associate Members
may also be members
of the 15th Medical Battalion Association Ladies
Auxiliary on a voluntary
Motion passed and the proposed
amendment was approved by vote of the Membership.
Election of
Executive Committee Recommended Slate of Officers for
2024-2025 :
President: John Tabor
Vice President: Roger Bodwell
Jr. Vice President: Leo Williams
Treasurer: Ron Huether
Terry McCarl
1-Year Trustee: Ron Ingram (2nd year of 2-year term)
2-Year Trustee: Jim Calibro (1st year of 2-year term)
recommended slate of officers was adopted by vote of the Membership.
Presidential Appointments
The following New President's Appointments
were announced:
Webmaster: Ron Huether
Historian: Terry McCarl
Chaplain: Mike Smith
Parliamentarian: Corky Walsh
Corky Walsh
Photographer: Lawrence Moss
being no further business, President Tabor adjourned the meeting at 1540.
Respectfully Submitted,
Terry A. McCarl
2024 Executive Committee
Minutes (Opens as PDF document)

John Tabor our Reunion Coordinator

Susan Hoefer
and Velma Smith


Lawrence Moss was the official cornhole judge.

Kevin Raftery and Dennis Behm

Light up Huey won by Corky Walsh

Jimmy Ong, Teri and Kevin Raftery

John Tabor and Dennis Behm

Leo (Short Round) Williams

L to R: Mike Smith, Corky Walsh, Leo Williams, Rick Medlock, Terry
McCarl, John Tabor
Backs to camera: Huey Huether, Barry Brown

Sarah Murphy, Susan Hoefer

L to R: Linn Williams, Lawrence Moss, Jimmy Ong, Terie Raftery, Fred
McKellar, Nora McKellar, Kevin Raftery, Mike Smith, Dennis Behm,
Corky Walsh, Floyd Jackson

Ron (Huey) Huether

Fred McKellar, Floyd Jackson

Mike Ahern,
Fred McKellar, Corky Walsh, Dennis Behm

L to R: Bill Shaw, Kevin Raftery

Missing Man Table

L to R: Sarah Murphy, Susan Hoefer, Corky Walsh, Judy Miller

Marilyn Norris, John Tabor, Jim Norris

Teri Behm, Lana Brown, Barry Brown, Dennis Behm

Terry and Georgia McCarl

Floyd Jackson, Leo (Short Round) Williams, Mike (Smitty) Smith

Sarah Murphy, Floyd Jackson, Susan Hoefer