Constitution & By-laws



This document contains the Constitution & By-Laws of the 15th Medical Battalion Association, 1st Cavalry Division. The 15th Medical Battalion Association is a non-profit military veterans organization.

Definition: The constitution or by-laws are the rules of a society relating to itself as an organization, and not the parliamentary rules it follows. The by-laws define the organization’s primary characteristics, how it operates, and the relation of the assembly and individual members to the organization.

This document was last revised/updated on:

Date: 8 May 2018

By: Ron (Baby Huey) Huether





15th Medical Battalion Association, 1st Cavalry Division.


1. Establish contact with former members of the 15th Medical Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division, invite them to become Members, and maintain an accurate membership database.

2. Promote goodwill and brotherhood among our membership, their families, all veterans, and military men and women presently serving the United States of America.

3. Remain an apolitical organization periodically promoting and supporting, as voted on by the Membership, matters pertaining directly to the advancement of skills, concepts, procedures, and equipment for rescue and medical treatment of combat wounds and non-combat injuries, and the care, evacuation, and convalescence of these patients.


Membership shall consist of all personnel formally assigned or attached on orders to the 15th Medical Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division for at least thirty days.


1. The Officers shall be the President, Vice President, Junior Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

2. The Executive Committee shall consist of seven members; the Officers named above and the two most recent Past Presidents.

3. The Executive Council for the Association shall consist of the Executive Committee and all Past Presidents.

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Section 1. Official Name:

A. The official name of the Association shall be the 15th Medical Battalion Association, 1st Cavalry Division.

B. That name may appear in abbreviation in some material as the 15th Med. Bn. Assn, 1st Cav. Div. or simply 15th Med Bn Assn. In this document the 15th Medical Battalion Association and are the same.

C. The phrases or mottos “The Home of Medevac” or “So That Others May Live” may also appear in some material, documents, or banners. The Air Ambulance Platoon (or Medevac) within the Headquarters Company of the 15th Medical Battalion, and its crews were responsible for the rescue of wounded and injured soldiers in the field during combat.

Section 1. Goal: Faithfully support and advance the Mission as stated in the Constitution.


Section 2. Primary Objectives:

A. Announce and hold an Annual Reunion at a convenient time and place so the Members may gather to discuss, conduct, and vote on business affairs.

B. Ensure the Annual Reunion is a time for the Members, their family, and their guests to gather primarily for social purposes and renew the bonds of our brotherhood.

C. Conduct affairs, both business and social, in a fair manner, taking into consideration the desire and welfare of the membership and in keeping with the Mission.

D. Cooperate and coordinate periodically with veteran and non-veteran organizations involved in or concerned with Mission 3 of the Association as researched and recommended by the Executive Committee and voted on by the Membership.

Section 1. Definition of Members:

A. All personnel previously assigned on orders, or attached on orders, for at least thirty days to the 15th Medical Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division are deemed as potential Members, eligible to be enrolled as Members upon completing an application and deemed Members in good standing.

Section 2. Membership Verification:

A. When the Membership Chairman and/or the Executive Committee request, any individual applying for membership in the Association must produce an original copy of their DD-214 to qualify for membership and must complete a membership application.

B. Unless recommended by the Executive Committee and voted on by the General Membership, all veteran candidates for membership shall have received either an Honorable or Medical discharge from the Army.

C. Under certain extenuating or mitigating circumstances deemed reasonable and appropriate by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, the Association may accept other documents in lieu of a DD-214 in consideration for a membership application.

D. The Executive Committee shall consider all membership application under this section on a case-by-case basis.

Section 3. Membership Categories:

A. Charter Member. The title Charter Member is an individual who either formed the 15th Medical Battalion Association or joined the Association before 18 April 1998 and are Members in good standing. A Charter Member has full voting rights and privileges at Annual Business Meetings or Special Business Meetings.

B. Member. The title Member is an individual in good standing with the Association. A Member has full voting rights and privileges at Annual Business Meetings or Special Business Meetings.

C. Life Member. The title Life Member is a Charter Member or those Members who have paid their Life Membership dues under the old By-Laws and are in good standing. A Charter Life Member or Life Member has full voting rights and privileges at Annual Business Meetings or Special Business Meetings. (See ARTICLE VII, Section 1, Paragraph C also.)

D. Corporate Membership. The title Corporate Membership is conferred upon those companies having significantly contributed to or supported the Mission and/or Objectives. Nominations for Corporate Membership made only by either a Charter Member or Member, must be in writing stating the reasons for consideration and submitted to the Executive Committee at least 60 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting so the Executive Committee may be considering the nomination. The nomination, and the Executive Committee’s recommendation, will be announced and voted on by the Membership at the Annual Business Meeting. Up to three employees of the Corporate Membership company may be a Corporate Member at any time. Corporate Members have no voting rights or privileges in the Association and cannot attend Annual Business Meetings or Special Business Meetings unless invited by the President to make a presentation or impart information relevant to or of interest to the Association.

E. Associate Member. The title Associate Member is automatically conferred upon the current spouse of any dues-current Charter Member or Member in good standing. Associate Members have no voting rights or privileges and cannot attend Annual Business Meetings or Special Business Meetings unless invited by the President to make a presentation or impart information relevant to or of interest to the Association. Associate Members shall also be members of the 15th Medical Battalion Association Ladies Auxiliary on a voluntary basis.

F. Honorary Member. The title Honorary Member is conferred upon those individuals recognized by the Association as worthy by their deeds, accomplishments, contribution, expertise, or position. Nominations for Honorary Member can only be made by a Charter Member or Member, must be in writing stating the reasons for consideration, and submitted to the Executive Committee at least 60 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting. The nomination, and the Executive Committee’s recommendation will be announced and voted on by the membership at the Annual Business Meeting. Annual dues for an Honorary Member is waived. Honorary Members have no voting rights or privileges in the Association and cannot attend Annual Business Meetings or Special Business Meetings unless invited by the President to make a presentation or impart information relevant to or of interest to the Association.

G. Nominating Eligibility. If a current Corporate, Associate, or Honorary Member wishes to have an individual nominated to become an Honorary Member, they must find a Charter Member or Member willing to nominate/sponsor that individual.

Section 4. Office and Voting Right:

A. All Charter Members, Life Members, and Members in good standing may vote on motions at Annual Business Meeting, Special Business Meetings, and on any recommendation brought to the membership by the Executive Committee.

B. All Charter Members, Life Members, and Members in good standing may hold elective offices in the Association or be appointed to serve on a Committee by the President.

C. Corporate, Associate, and Honorary Members may not hold elective offices, attend any Annual Business Meetings or Special Business Meetings, make motions, or vote on any matter.

D. Corporate, Associate, and Honorary Members may serve on certain Committees or Special Projects as appointed by the President, with the majority approval of the Executive Committee.

E. There shall be no proxy voting on any issue or motion.  Members must be present at Annual Business Meetings or Special Business Meetings in order to vote.

Section 5. Conduct, Behavior & Responsibility;

A. Members and their guests are expected to conduct themselves in a respectable and responsible manner while attending an Annual Reunion.

B. Any damage or harm to either person or property caused by any Member or their guests while attending an Annual Reunion shall be the sole responsibility of that Member and/or their guests.

C. Annual Reunion registration form shall contain sufficient language to convey and remind Members about their conduct, behavior, and their responsibilities.

D. The 15th Medical Battalion Association shall be held harmless for any damages or of a Member or one of their guests violating Section 4A or 4B above (see ARTICLE X. INDEMNIFICATION in this Constitution & By-Laws also).

Section 6. Expulsion from Membership.

A. Periodically it may be necessary to expel a Member for cause. Members of any classification can be expelled for cause or conduct that the Executive Committee, by a majority vote, deem contrary to the best interests of the Association, not in keeping with the Association’s mission or objectives, or for having violated Section 5 above. Given the potentially sensitive nature of the reasons, and respecting the individual’s privacy, the expelled member shall have a choice:

1) Expulsion Under Agreement: Abide by the Executive Committee ruling with no announced or public reason given to the membership.

2) Expulsion Under Disagreement: If the Executive Committee votes to expel a Member, and he disagrees, the Member may petition the Executive Committee and address the membership for a vote at the next Annual Business Meeting. That petition must be in writing, stating why the Member should be retained and received by the Executive Committee before the next scheduled Annual Business Meeting. A motion must be made and seconded at the Annual Business Meeting to retain that individual. This motion must receive a two-thirds majority vote (individual cannot cast a vote) for retention of the Member. Any Member expelled from the Association may re-apply for membership after one year, or at the following Annual Reunion. That application must be in writing to the Executive Committee stating why membership should be granted again or reinstated.

3) The re-applying individual may be contacted if questions arise concerning their re-application.

4) The Executive Committee shall consider and vote on the application.

5) With a majority of the Executive Committee casting an affirmative vote a motion will be accepted and a Member vote taken at the next Annual Business Meeting.

6) That vote shall be by secret ballot and require a three-quarters majority to carry.

B. Any Member expelled twice for cause shall not be eligible for re-admission or reinstatement.

Section 1. The Executive Committee:

A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following seven Members;

1) President.

2) Vice President.

3) Junior Vice President.

4) Secretary.

5) Treasurer.

6) The two most recent living Past Presidents.

B. The President shall be the Chairman of the Executive Committee.

C. The Executive Committee is responsible for conducting the day-to-day affairs of the Association and shall convene at the Annual Reunion prior to the Annual Business Meeting, and periodically between Annual Reunions at the request of the President either in person, by telephone, or by computer as appropriate or convenient.

D. There are seven members of the Executive Committee to ensure the Association has a broad spectrum of experience and insight to make recommendations and decisions in the best interests of the Association and in keeping with the Association Mission and Objectives.

Section 2. Responsibilities and Authority of the Executive Committee:

A. The Executive Committee is the governing body of the 15th Medical Battalion and all its relevant affairs.

B. The Executive Committee shall conduct itself in a professional and ethical manner in its management and supervisory duties over the affairs of the Association and its mission.

C. Five members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum, either in person, by telephone, or by computer.

D. The Executive Committee is responsible for management of Association affairs, which include, but not limited to:

1) Maintenance, upkeep, and safeguarding records and membership lists.

2) Maintenance, upkeep, and safeguarding historical items and documents.

3) Safeguarding and prudent us of Association’s assets and monies, and financial records.

4) Identifying, locating, and recruiting new Members.

5) Seeking, accepting, and safeguarding all contributions or donations, monetary or in-kind.

6) Approving budgets and disbursements or expenditures of Association monies.

7) Approving Annual Reunion sites, logistics, and reunion activities.

8) Making recommendations on Constitution & By-Laws amendments.

9) Diligent supervision of projects and tasks assigned to Committees appointed by the President.

E. The Executive Committee shall perform other duties as prescribed by the Constitution & By-Laws, or amendments.

F. The Executive Committee may delegate authority and functions to specific Members as it deems prudent or necessary with the approval of the President.

G. In the event of any tie vote on issues presented to the Executive Committee, the President, serving as the Executive Committee Chairman, shall have the authority to invoke executive privilege and either:

1) Table the issue for further study, or contact additional Executive Committee members for a vote, or,

2) Cast an additional ballot to break the tie vote in event timely action is necessary.

Section 3. Officer Duties:

A. The duties of Elected Officers are those customarily assigned for such positions, prescribed by the President, and or contained in these By-Laws.

B. President. The President shall serve as the Chairman and preside at all Executive Committee Meetings, the Annual Business Meeting, Committee Meetings (at his discretion), any Special or Emergency Business Meetings, and any other meetings held conducting official business matters or affairs. The President may create committees for projects or tasks in the best interests of the Association.

C. Vice President. The Vice President shall report directly to the President in all Association matters. In the absence of the President, or his inability to serve, the Vice President shall assume the President’s duties as outlined in Section 3B above, or as outlined by other Articles and Sections in these By-Laws.

D. Junior Vice President. The Junior Vice president shall report directly to the President in all matters pertaining to the Association. In the absence of the Vice President, or his inability to serve, the Junior Vice President shall assume the Vice President’s duties as outlined in Section 3C above, or as outlined by other Articles and Sections in these By-Laws.

E. Secretary. The Secretary shall report directly to the President in all matters pertaining to the Association. The Secretary shall be responsible for, but not limited to:

1) Maintaining accurate and timely minutes and reports from Executive Committee Meetings, Annual Business Meetings, and Special Business Meetings.

2) Maintaining accurate and timely By-Law amendments and including those in any revised Constitution & By-Laws.

3) Maintaining all pertinent documentation pertaining to Annual Business Meetings, Special Business Meetings, and other such meetings as directed by the President.

4) The President may periodically assign other duties to the Secretary that are in the best interest of the Association.

F. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall report directly to the President in all matters pertaining to the Association. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the fiscal and financial integrity and solvency of the Association, to include but not limited to:

1) Keeping accurate and timely financial records including a balance sheet and an income statement that includes a cash flow.

2) Maintaining and balancing bank accounts and checking accounts.

3) Collecting and safeguarding contributions and donations.

4) Reviewing and signing hotel and vendor contracts at the request of the President.

5) Making a presentation at the Annual Business Meeting on the Association’s year-to-year financial position.

6) Preparing all appropriate and necessary financial documents at the request of any accountant retained by the Association for independent accounting purposes or tax audits.

7) Obtaining proper approval and signatures before making disbursements, and reviewing the filing expense reports, receipts, or other financial documents pertaining to the business transactions.

8) Make available to the Executive Committee all account numbers, PINs, passwords, and signature cards in case the Treasurer is unable to serve or perform his duties.

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