Saber Article Index
2010 Jul-Aug
MEDEVAC 15th Med\15th FSB
Mike Bodnar
307B N Main Copperas Cove, TX 76522
1704 254-542-1961
"The 2010 Reunion in Boise, ID, was a very
successful event for all those who attended. I wish I could have been
there. Our Reunion Coordinator Mike 'Smitty' SMITH and his wife Velma
did an excellent job putting it together. Currently I was only sent a few
Reunion pictures by Larry NORRIS. I hope to get more with a little
description in the near future so I can post them up on our Website.
During the annual meeting new Association Officers we elected and
appointed. Some officers continue to serve. Here are the officers for the
2010-2011 year: President: James BELAIR, Vice President: David HUSER,
Treasurer: Robert MC KINLEY, Alt Replacement: Art JACOBS, Secretary:
James CALIBRO, Database Operator\Webmaster: Murray GIBBS, Reunion
Coordinator: John CRESPI, Search Coordinator: Paul TROOP,
Historian\Chaplin: Paul TROOP, Historian: William DOWNEY, Snail Mail
Sender: Norm ROBERGE, Saber Writer: Mike BODNAR, Ladies Aux Group:
Velma SMITH.
"I have gotten some feedback from the 2010 Reunion. Next Reunion will
be in Branson, MO. John CRESPI told me that it will be in the first week
of April and that maybe subject to change. When I get all the details of
the 2011 Reunion I will post them ASAP. I also heard we will not be
sending Paul TROOP to College Park to retrieve any more documents. I have
already posted about 1300 to 1400 of what he has retrieved. I have just
received approximately another 250 to 300 documents from Paul. We have a
lot of members on Facebook who joined either before or after the Reunion.
It appears to be a way of communicating to other members. If any person
related to the 15th MED Assn. sends you a message, an e-mail is sent
to you. I know I have gotten my share. We must all remember Facebook is
more like an open book on each and everyone one of us. It would be wise
to be more confidential in what we post on Facebook.
Statement - I like to review our direction as an Association by posting
our Mission Statement with a little explanation. The Mission Statement
was put together at the 2000 Reunion in San Antonio.
---->> Our
Mission Statement is Four Fold.
---->> 1.) To Establish contact with
former members of the 15th Medical Battalion, Vietnam.
---->> 2.)
To Establish and maintain a data-bank of known members of the 15th MED
---->> 3.) To provide, each year, information as to time
and place of the Annual Reunion. This is to include discounted hotel
rooms, meetings rooms, banquet dinners, luncheons, interest for the
family members and any additional information pertinent to the promotion
of attendance of the annual reunion.
---->> 4.) To promote
goodwill and brotherhood among the membership, their families and all
veterans and their associations and organizations.
1.) Looking
for members can be time consuming and difficult. Several methods must be
used of which I have used. One of the best methods I have used is where I
had a list of names and the list had the SSN. I used the SSN to located
City & State which narrows the search down to an easy find. Where do we
get these lists? Anyone who has a 201 file has awards or promotion lists
in it with names and sometimes SSNs. If we could get our hands on the
Roster Lists at St Louis we would have a gold mine of information to do
these searches. I know that SSNs must be held with the upmost
confidentiality. I deleted all found SSNs on all the documents I posted.
This is one item we do not post.
2.) We have a data-bank or
database on Excel spreadsheet that I maintain. It has gone thru many
changes to include both Found & Find Members, a pending action list
showing dates when changes were made to any member. The pending
actions could be Found, Find, address change, phone change etc. There is
also the KIA list and those known Deceased listed since Vietnam.
3.) Each year we have an Annual Reunion. We have a Reunion Coordinator
who sets it up for the Association. He coordinates all he can in Part 3.
of the Mission Statement for all who attend the Reunion.
4.) We
promote our Association with friendship to all with whom we come in
contact. These are our members, family members, veterans and others who
are interested in us. Our goodwill and brotherhood attracts their
interest. Thus, many of our members are in contact with current members,
other veterans, associations and organizations. We have an open door
policy inviting other veterans to attend our Reunions which we have done
in the past. The first Reunion we had was in Franklin, VA, in April of
1998. Those who attend were mostly MEDEVAC veterans. Thus it was MEDEVAC
veterans who started the 15th MED Association. It was called the MEDEVAC
Association. At the 1999 Reunion in Las Vegas the name was changed to the
15th Medical Battalion Association. The intent of the Association is not
to have just MEDEVAC, but to be inclusive of all members of the 15th
Medical Battalion regardless of MOS (Military Occupational Specialty).
There are many members who believe that we focus just on MEDEVAC,
which is so far from the truth. At the 2003 Reunion outgoing President
Maurice 'Corky' WALSH made the statement at the Meeting that we should
include all 15th MED Bn. veterans from Korea to Vietnam. I, Murray GIBBS,
became president then, and continued with that statement. COL William
DOWNEY in his speech about Hospital Pods made a statement that the
Association is not just about MEDEVAC, and we should get other 15th MED
Bn. veterans to attend. Apparently we still have the same thoughts about
the Association being just MEDEVAC today. That needs to be changed. Thus
the true name of our Association is 15th Medical Battalion Association
which is the home of MEDEVAC.
"I personally invite all veterans of
15th Medical Battalion to be a part of our Association. Listed below are
patches that I have found of the 15th MED Battalion, and yes, most of
the them are of the Air Ambulance Platoon (call sign: MEDEVAC).
"As well as the 15th Medical Battalion and 15th Support Battalion Crest,
the first patch for MEDEVAC was called 'ANGELS OF MERCY.' During the
summer of 1968 these patches evolved with the motto at the bottom saying,
'SO THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE.' No doubt this saying is used also for the 15th
Medical Battalion and not just MEDEVAC. The current patch representation
is The 15th Medical Battalion Association Decal.
"Website Updates
- I have done a lot of additions and updates to the our Website. I
continue to work on the documents because all of them have not been added
yet. The Saber issues are updated to Jan/Feb 2010. I have added or
updated most of the Reunion pictures I have on file. Lately, I made
changes to the Main Index Page. I want the main index page to remain
the same as when Larry ASH had it, with only a few exceptions. They are
the 2nd Index Page button, Donation button and VOIP Banner. I moved
buttons for USNS Upshur II, Forums & Webmaster's Page to the 2nd Index
Page. I changed the icons on the 2nd Index Page not to be like the Main
Index Page. I added the 15th Medical Battalion Crest and our
Association Patch is below it.
"I added a link to the Virtual Vietnam
Wall. I added a link to the 2-8th Cav, Eager Arms., Art JACOBS, and Jerry
DICK were made honorary members of the 2-8th Cav, 1st Air Cav Div. The
link goes to an incident that happened on 24 July 68. I added a page
showing our Challenge Coin, any hats we have to offer or any other items.
This page is still under construction.
"I added a Misc. Page for
any items of interest that will be posted from this page. I have added
one item that I got off of our old temporary sister Website before it
went down in Feb, 2009. It started out about MEDEVAC Crosses. A nice
piece of Historical information was made known from an eye witness
concerning an event that happened in Sept. of 1966. The Forums - When I
first re-establish this Website I added a discussion board type of
environment called The Forums. I did this so from this Website one could
make topic posts like the discussion board on our old sister Website. The
old sister Website no longer exists. The Forums are there as a method
to communicate with the Association. One must have a screen name with
password to be able to respond, add or create a topic (post). Only 15th
MED Assn. members are able to view topics strictly in certain boards.
There are several permission levels created at different levels in the
"The important level for the membership is the 15th MED Assn.
member level. Members can make posts in all the boards. There is one
board that only 15th MED Assn. members can view and other levels can not
view. These are the levels that can not view that one board, 15th MED
member wives, honorary members, visiting veterans and researchers.
Currently we don't use this tool (Forums) very much. Why? I don't know. I
find it very useful.
"The Forums vs. Facebook. Forums can be very
private with only 15th MED Members able to use the designate board that
the public can not view. Facebook on the other hand is open to the public
unless there is a way to keep those 15th MED Members on it on a private
use level. I signed up for Facebook last month and already I have had
outsiders requesting me to be their friends. I only accept those
associated with the 15th Medical Battalion Association. We must be
careful on the information we post on Facebook. Anyone can view it and
use it to any intent they wish whether it be good or bad.
"Ways of
Communication - There are several ways to communicate or stay in touch
with others like our members. Each method is okay and is used either on a
private or open way to communicate. These are the methods: 1.)
Telephone or cell phone. 2.) E-mail, either person to person or group.
3.) Written letters or invites sent by snail mail. 4.) Website postings.
5.) Discussion Boards like the Forums we use on our Website. 6.) Voice
over Internet Provider (VOIP). 7.) Facebook, My Space, Twitter and others
which are open to the public and are setup for immediate contact with
other members by sending one an e-mail from another making contact.
"The method one uses should be based on the content of the intended
message to be delivered from private to public. Anything that might be
personal should not be posted in the Forums boards or Facebook. However,
there is in the Forums a private message section that only the intended
person can read. I like to thank all of you who were thinking of me
during the 2010 Reunion.
"A card was sent to me shortly after the
Reunion. It is a good feeling to know that one is missed. This card
Promotes & Fosters GOODWILL and BROTHERHOOD among the members of the
15th MED Bn. Association. I really appreciate all the comments made in
this card."
"2010 Reunion Coordinator - John CRESPI has been very
busy with his wife who had a heart operation last month. She recently
had to go back into the hospital due to water around her heart. This is
the e-mail I got from prior President Fred MC KELLAR June 10, 2010:
"Murray, I got a call from John CRESPI about 15 minutes ago. He
indicated that he had to take Barbara to the hospital. She has fluid
building up around her heart and is going to be operated on today. Need
to put the word out to all the members that she and John need our prayers
and encouragement. I would have called you, but I have your old number.
Thanks for getting the word out.
"I got this e-mail from our
Treasurer Bob MC KINLEY June 11, 2010: 'Hi Murray, I just talked to John
and he told me that they operated on Barbara and took between 3-4 CM of
fluid from around her heart. He said she was feeling better but they have
her doped up for pain. She will probably be there a few days.'
got this e-mail from prior President Fred MC KELLAR June 14, 2010: 'John
called today. Barbara is doing better. All tubes have been removed. She
does have some swelling in one of her arms and one hand. They want to
keep her in the hospital for at least another day to see if everything is
doing OK since the tubes have been removed. They are also checking to
determine if there may be some infection in the swollen arm. If so, they
want to treat that. John informed me that he has gotten many e-mails and
correspondence from the members that he has not been able to respond to.
He indicated that he and Barbara appreciate them very much and will be
responding when Barbara gets out. He has been at the hospital most of the
time with her. They thank everyone for them.'
"She is okay now. I
know this has put a big strain on the CRESPI family. As soon as all is
stabilized John will send me the necessary information on the 2011
Reunion. It will be in Branson, MO.
"Reunion Pictures - I have
gotten a few 2010 Reunion pictures from the members of our Association.
The members are Larry NORRIS, Jon LINDQUIST, and Jim BELAIR. I still need
more pictures to post for the 2010 Reunion. If you attended the 2010
Reunion and could please send me some pictures to post on the Website, I
would appreciate it very much. If any of you have pictures from previous
Reunions of years that I don't have pictures of, please send me a copy of
them in .jpg file format if possible.
"Historian\Chaplin Paul
TROOP recently had knee surgery replacement. I spoke with him a little
while ago and he is doing well. Yes, he has pain and is trying to
navigate as much a possible with that pain. I thank Paul for the items he
took time to send me just prior to his operation this month. Last month I
met with Paul and he gave me the last of all the documents he had. These
documents will take time to scan, name, and remove all SSN's from them.
Next will be organizing them to be posted on the Website. It takes time
to do what I have been doing. It took Paul long hours at the archives to
retrieve the documents that I now have. He did it while having trouble
walking with both his knees needing an operation. Now he has done one
knee I know soon he will have the other knee done. I know Paul would like
very much to contribute to the 15th MED Association as much as he can. He
would like to get those Morning Reports and Roster Lists from St Louis.
These would help us gather more names of those we need to find.
"If any of you would like to me to post something on my next Newsletter
please get in touch with me. If you would like have our Saber writer Mike
BODNAR post something in our section of the 1st Cav Div. Assn. Saber, please
e-mail him at: .
Past President 2003-2006 / Webmaster Murray GIBBS MEDEVAC '67-'68. "
P.S. "FYI, I have made a post on the Forums that anyone can read of
all the e-mails I have received about Barbara CRESPI. If you have an
account on the Forums you can respond to the topic link on that Web page.
The last e-mail was sent June 20th, 2010, that Barbara has gone back into
the hospital."
'70 MEDEVAC Medic Bill WALSH
sent out a Web link for the Vietnam Memorial Wall. It has links for
various personal searches, better than most I have seen.
Jerry ROHR of B 2-5
Cav '68-'69, forwarded a photo of Doc John NAGEL, whom I mentioned in the
last column as having contacted me. The e-mail reads, "I remember Doc
NAGEL. Here is a pic of him treating a wounded VC at LZ Jane in 1968. He
was my HQ Medic for awhile. Well skilled and of a good nature, he was a
good soldier . If you want to use the pic, feel free."
Kenneth R.
WILLIAMS from Chicago signed the Guestbook
as, "A Company 15th MED., October 1966- October 1967."
KELLY from Los Angeles also signed as, "215 MED Bat.
FB Mace Dec. '71-Feb.'72? Until we closed it. Bien Hoa aid station until
June '72."
William BURNS in Geneva, AL,
writes, "Served with A Co, 15th MED Aug, '65 through Aug, '66. I was a
'leg.' Didn't get to go to jump school because I was on my honeymoon. I
have thought of the men and our service many time over the years. I hope
life has been good for you all."
Always remembering our 1st
Cav troops on duty around the world; over and out.
Bodnar C 2\7 '69
MEDEVAC 1-7\70