Saber Article Index
2019 Mar-Apr
Mike Bodnar
307B N Main Copperas Cove, TX 76522
I received a telephone call again from
‘66-’67 15th MED Veteran Earl Kennard. Of course, it was in response to
my last Saber column mention of him. I cannot do him justice because
he has so much to say. To get it all correct you would have to talk to
him. Again, he can be reached at 202-441-0363. He says he is now retired so
he would be glad to talk to anyone.
Earl went on with a list of the
professionals in the 1st Cav with whom he had worked with and for. His
allegiance to the 1st Cav is unending. I mentioned that Earl was not
assigned to a 1st Cav combat unit as a Medic, but he stressed that the
sierra was hitting the fan everywhere when he was there. What the 15th
MED was doing for the 1st Cav was of extreme importance.
I again received
email from Lynn Wellman who now tells me: “I
was with them from July ‘67 thru Jan ‘68. We were at LZ English until
Nov ‘67, then moved to Kontum, Dak To, Pleiku. According to 1st Cav
history book we were attached to the 173rd Airborne. This was the Pleiku
defense. Then we went north to Hue, Phu Bai. Our LZ was at the
graveyard outside Phu Bai. Were there for possibly two weeks, then we
were sent to Quang Tri. This was for the relief of Marines at Khe Sanh
which started in Dec ‘67. We had the 1st of 102nd 101 airborne company
there also. I was wounded on Jan 31st, 1968. Our LZ was around Quang Tri.
Somewhere. Can’t remember exactly where or the name. MAJ Gardner was our
commanding officer. I was MEDEVACed to LZ Jane. Then to 1st Marine hospital at
Da Nang, then to the USS Constitution hospital ship in Da Nang harbor.
From there to the Air Force hospital at Cam Ranh Bay for about thirty
days. That’s why I use the ‘Vet Tet ‘68.’ Then I was sent stateside,
ended up at Valley Forge General Hospital. All this time I was still
with the 1st
Cav. All my records were misplaced as I was being moved so
much. Got dismissed from the hospital and was given orders to 226th MPs
Fort Ben Harrison, IN where I discharged August ‘68. That’s when I fnally got all my back pay. Until then I was only receiving parts coal
pay. You can check the Cav after action reports to see how close I’m on
the dates and units the 2nd FSE (FSB) was with. We were with the HHQ &
HHQ Band and Support Command.â€
From the
FINAL DEROS page, a recent
passing is: Raymond D. Kinnard, CPT, Medical Service Corps, of Engelwood,
CO passed away on 25 December 2018. Ray served as a MEDEVAC pilot with
the 15th Medical Battalion in Vietnam from May ‘67- May ‘68. I see no
pilot call sign for him on the Callsign List so I cannot add it here.
remembering our 1st Cav Troops on duty around the world; over and out.
FIRST TEAM! Garryowen
2\7 '69 MEDEVAC 1-7\70