Saber Article Index
2013 Mar-Ap
MEDEVAC 15th Med\15th FSB
Mike Bodnar
307B N Main Copperas Cove, TX 76522
1704 254-542-1961
Bill Walsh, C 2-7 Cav and MEDEVAC Medic '70,
career Chicago PD, informs us that he has Stage IV cancer, and is now taking
chemotherapy. He says, "Ain't no stages after that..." If you want to give
Bill more to live for, encourage and support his fight, contact him at
Executive Director, 1st Cavalry Division Association Dennis Webster
e-mailed, "We were just informed of the death of COL (Ret) W. Rex Davis, MD.
He died on 12 June 2012 after a year-long battle with cancer. He commanded
the 15th MED in Vietnam from June 1967 – July 1968 and was concurrently the
Division Surgeon. First Team!"
Again, the 16th Annual 15th MED Assn.
Reunion will be held in OLD SACRAMENTO at the Holiday Inn Capital Plaza 300
J St. April 17-21,2013. (916)446-0100. For more info. contact Jim Calibro,
Secretary (209)573-0701 .

Art Jacobs, 15th MED Assn.
President writes, "My Dad flew down from Massachusetts to visit us. He was
in the Army Air Force in Europe in World War II – 87 and still going strong.
While he was here we drove to Halls, Tennessee (near Dyersburg in the
northwest corner of the state). They have a wonderful little World War II
museum there because during the war it was a B-17 training base. The
tarmac is a little worn and with tufts of grass in the cracks, but the
pictures and memorabilia inside brought the place alive. It was worth the
five hours in the car just to see the look in my Dad’s eyes. He remembers
being in the co-pilot seat in 1945 and hearing the announcement of President
Franklin’s death. That was his 'JFK 22 November 1963' moment. I tell you
this story because there are very few World War II veterans left today. They
lived in a country that was filled with patriotic pride, and where
self-reliance and doing your part (and more) were routine. I fear that the
general public today in this land knows precious little about true service
to country, duty, honor, and the character of the Greatest Generation. I
pray that my children will not live in a debt-ridden and selfish country
whose best days are behind them." Read more from Art on the 15th MED Assn.
Website President's Corner. Also, be sure and read the latest newsletter.
From Phil Willis, Sp4, 15th MED, KOREA 1962-1963, , "Mike, I was reading your column in the Jan\Feb
issue of SABER, and down where you were quoting Art Jacobs, and about
wearing your 1st Cav gear: I made several trips to Knob Creek Machine Gun
shoot in KY with a buddy who operated a booth. I got some 1st Cav decals,
and begin placing them on my vehicles, then got a Maryland 1st CAV license
plate for my truck and the recognition has been awesome. Salutes from other
drivers, but my best recognition was the small 1st Cav pin I received when I
joined the Association. Upon exiting an International flight at BWI in
Baltimore, a young Customs Officer on the gangway made eye contact, then
shifted his eyes to the pin on my hat: I got a polite nod. Later after
passing thru Immigration, baggage and entering Customs, he was standing
there. He took me out of line and processed me personally, and wanted to
talk about the Cav. Evidently his grandfather had served in Korea and left
him some memorabilia from his service. He had no way of knowing that my
service was in Korea also. Needless to say, I was the last thru Customs in
my group, but the recognition and “thank you for serving” was much
appreciated. I still wear that pin on my hat when I travel as it helps
connecting with other vets, and the 'thank you' from total strangers. It has
truly come full circle since Vietnam and I wasn’t even there, and 'thanks
for your service.'"

Harry E. Peters (then SP/4), Crew Chief, OH-6A, E
Btry 82nd Arty (Avn), 1st Cav Div May 1969 – Aug 1970 CCed me in reply to Al
(Frenchy)-Albert Benamou who was in Qual Loi in
'69-'70 with the 15th MED. "Albert – Saw your note in the 1st Cav Div
'Saber' – Jan/Feb 2013. I was with the 1st Cav Div working out of Phouc
Vinh, Song Be, LZ Buttons, Lai Khe, and Quan Loi. What caught my eye was the
Quan Loi location. You guys took great care of both myself and a good friend
(fellow crew chief) of mine on the evening of Nov 17, 1969. We were both
wounded on the flight line (across the flight line from your location if I
remember correctly).
We were working out of Quan Loi with the 1/21st Arty
and/or the 1/77th Arty. We received rocket fire that evening as usual right
before chow. Both myself and my partner were just closing up our helicopters
(OH-6A, LOCH’s) and an AF Caribou was taxing by us and of course we waved at
the load master – and then nothing – I came to across the revetment and
someone was dragging me away and through the wire as the SP yard. They
carried me by jeep to the aid station and I was so happy to see my partner –
both of us sort of OK but with added metal all around. The AF load master
was killed (I learned later) and the AC took a rocket right through the
wing. You guys took care of us, patched us up, and got us on a MEDEVAC to
the 93rd EVAC in Long Bien.
Thanks so much for taking care of us. You guys
saved our life’s and took good care of us. I wish I knew who carried me
through the wire of the SP yard and to the aid station. I vividly remember
getting worked on at the aid station, being carried to the helicopter and
part of the flight to Long Bien. Next I remember was being carried off of
the helicopter and then waking up in post op after the first of a few
Always remembering our 1st Cav troops on duty around the
world; over and out.
Bodnar C 2\7 '69
MEDEVAC 1-7\70