Saber Article Index
2014 Sep-Oct
MEDEVAC 15th Med\15th FSB
Mike Bodnar
307B N Main Copperas Cove, TX 76522
1704 254-542-1961
National American Huey Museum
To: 15th
Med Association Members From: Art Jacobs, Past President Subject:
Attendance at The Gathering Date: 8-11 August 2014
The National American Huey Museum held its annual “Gathering” this past
weekend at the old Grissom AFB (now the Grissom Aeroplex) in Peru, Indiana.
And what a “gathering” it was.
Two fully restored UH-1H aircraft from
Vietnam flew a combat assault (inserting the Blues) demonstration with The
Wolfhounds (re-enactment team) and performed a medevac rescue mission with
an OH-6A scout ship flying high cover. The two aircraft were “803” which was
originally with the 15th Medical Battalion in Vietnam and a veteran of the
Battle of The Ia Drang Valley (LZ X-ray) in 1965. 803 was a “D” model then
and later transferred to the 336th Assault Helicopter Company and became
“Warrior 11” as an “H” model.
Outfitted with two M-60’s, 803 in its Warrior
11 colors (but with a Medevac 1st Cav Patch on the tail) inserted the Blues.
Aircraft 369, which was originally with the 498th Medical Detachment as a
Dustoff bird, performed the medevac during the demonstration. Both aircraft
then made “member flights” for those in attendance who joined the National
American Huey Museum. The entire crews on 803, 369, and the OH-6 were all
Vietnam veterans.
The 15th Med Association was well-represented: In
attendance were myself, Corky Walsh, Fred McKeller, Dan Korty, Clyde Moore,
and Art Martin (and their beautiful wives). In addition, I had three special
guests with me: Pete Genecki and Steve Bird from Bravo Company, 2/8th, 1st
Cav. These gentlemen were on the ground on 24 July 1968 during three hoist
missions I flew as an AC near LZ Carol in the mountains west of Camp Evans.
On the third mission we were shot down and I was wounded. By the way, it was
through Pete and Steve’s efforts that our Door Gunner Jerry Dick (severely
wounded on mission one) and Stephen Beals (my co-pilot who was also wounded
on mission one and Killed In Action on 26 November 1968) were made Honorary
Members of Bravo Company.
Guest number three was a World War II Army Air
Force veteran, my Dad! I was able to take all three “special” guests for a
member flight in 803. I cannot begin to describe the thrill it was for all
four of us. We even managed to get in a little low level flying over a few
tree lines (no one reported any tracers). And all of the excitement and
nostalgia that it brought back was all because of the National American Huey
Museum and John Walker and his brother Allan, the founders, whose mission it
is to preserve the history and the legacy of the venerable Huey helicopter
in Vietnam.
Dave Barron of 9th Cav ‘75 who has been researching the
MEDEVAC helicopter crash that occurred in 1969 that killed Gary Lynn Dubach
(crew chief), and Stephen Lawrence Shumacher (Medic) inquired if I had any
info on a SPC Tutroni serving in 15th MED in 1969. Dave said he is listed on
the Division Duty Officer’s log as having been in the aircraft when Dubach
and Schumacher died.
I sent Dave the name E-5 Ralph Tutroni from a 15th MED roster. Dave spoke
to Ralph who was the door gunner on that aircraft. Dave also asked about a
pilot, LT McNees. From the roster I sent a CPT Walter J. McNees. Dave spoke
to him and said Walt remembered very well.
The short version is they took fire in the LZ, flew out and the pink team
saw fuel, then fire. They landed at an abandoned airstrip and got shot up as
they were on approach. The crew exited to set up a perimeter and the ship
fell to the left on broken skids taking out Gary and Steve. A sling ship
extracted the crew but Ralph took one in the hand being pulled up.
I was contacted by Eric Berla , CW2, MEDEVAC 26, 1968,
who is working with Dave Barron on this mentioned project. Eric said, “Mike,
I’m looking for information about a loss on 14 February 69 in which a crew
chief and Medic were lost. Any information, including anyone who was in the
unit then would be appreciated. I had DEROSed just before that happened and
came back after my extension leave for a visit when I heard the story. I
was, I think, their AC until I left but memory with survivor guilt isn’t
good. I’m in contact with the crew chief Gary’s family and they don’t have
much information about what happened. I told them what I remembered but it
has been a long time and I’m not sure of the details. I know that many folks
have better memories than I do so someone might know more. Any help will be

Weber Borrell who was SP-5 Johnny Glen Gregg’s 1SG
in Vietnam ‘68-’69, the First Sergeant of Co. A ,15th MED, sent over a photo
of SP-5 Gregg who was KIA on MEDEVAC 18 with 1LT Stephen Carl Beals, WO1
James Donald Doran, SP-4 John Stephen Alling Jr., and PFC Robert Earnest
Jones, 26 Nov 68. Weber says he has more photos he will send and said to
give his e-mail address so some of the men that were in his company will
send e-mail to him.
CE Randy Brewer e-mailed, “Hi Mike, just
got a second issue of the SABER yesterday for July/August. I called Ms.
Beaver at the Star Beacon and was connected to an answering machine. I told
her she had my permission to use the photo of Gary Dubach (published in the
SABER) and left my phone number, but she did not return the call. (228)
“John Alling, Jr. and I served separate aircraft at ‘A’ Co. at Camp Evans
for quite a while so I knew him fairly well. He was pleasant, took his job
seriously, and was a good crew chief. On the other hand, Gary Dubach had
been there such a short time when I left, I knew very little about him other
than that he was an extremely nice guy, seemed to be a good crew chief, and
was very young. I was 22 because I went to college for two years before
going into service.
“That may very well be the only photograph of him taken while he was
there. I know I couldn’t find anymore. I know how Alling’s death came about
from Gil Gatto [MEDEVAC 20], but have no idea of what happened to Gary other
than that he was KIA. I have absolutely no other information on him. I do
remember Dr. Barton as CO of ‘A’ Company. He was here for the 2008 Reunion.
I had his e-mail address, but his wife passed away and he quit answering any
e-mails. I have no idea whether he is still alive or not.
“I don’t know about the pilots, but flying for the EM was strictly
voluntary. We all had the same MOS which was 67N20 (rotary wing aircraft
mechanic) later changed to 67A10F. Most with that MOS chose to stay on the
ground with maintenance, but I chose to fly because my Dad was a fighter
pilot in World War II. Sorry I have no more info on Dubach - but I wasn’t
around him long enough to really get to know him. My Best Regards, Randy
Brewer MEDEVAC 458/578 10-’67 to 10-’68 Crewchief\Gunner.”
Always remembering our 1st Cav troops on duty around the
world; over and out.
Bodnar C 2\7 '69
MEDEVAC 1-7\70