Saber Article Index
2016 Jul-Aug
MEDEVAC 15th Med\15th FSB
Mike Bodnar
307B N Main Copperas Cove, TX 76522
1704 254-542-1961
No commo received so from the Website some
reminiscences by new 15th MED Assn. president Larry Hatch: "First Two UH-1H
Aircraft Assigned to 15th Med Bn," By MAJ Larry G. Hatch (USA Ret) WO
Call Sign: Mercy 11: "WO Arthur Martin and I were flown to Vung Tau to take
delivery of the first two new UH-1H helicopters; an improvement over the D
model’s L-11 engine versus the much more powerful L-13 engine. We both had a
crew chief along to assist and fill the other front pilot’s seat.

"While flying the two aircraft in trail formation up the coast line
towards home base, the helicopter I was flying lost all of its hydraulic
fluid and the hydraulic warning light came on. Beings you can’t hover the
aircraft with the hydraulics out, they teach running landings in flight
school to deal with these situations. So, when I was adjacent to Cam Ranh
Bay Air Base, I radioed the Army Airfield next to the base for permission to
make an emergency running landing. I made a shallow, twelve degree approach,
keeping my airspeed up until touching the aircraft’s skids down on the very
first part of the PSP runway. I had to get the crew chief to help put
downward pressure on the collective stick to help take pitch out of the
rotor blades and slow us down.
"As it was, the helicopter slid down
three-fourths of the runway before stopping. I made a picture-perfect,
flight school, text book landing. The major in charge of the airfield came
running out and chewed me up one side and down the other for landing at
'his' airfield. Well, excuse me. Mr. Martin let him have both barrels.
"We left the broken helicopter there and flew home in the other one. Mr.
Martin flew back the next day with maintenance personnel and fixed the
helicopter. When the helicopter was being built, a mechanic crimped one of
the hydraulic line fittings so bad that it leaked at the fitting. The leak
wasn’t found after the helicopter was first test flown back in the United
States. My forty-five minute flight was all it took to pump out all of the
hydraulic fluid.
"Unbeknownst to me, Mr. Martin had saved the crimped
hydraulic fitting and had it made into a plaque that I was given when I
departed Vietnam in December 1967. That plaque is hanging on the wall in my
"An Lo Valley Ambush" By MAJ Larry G. Hatch (USA Ret) WO Call
Sign: Mercy 11: "CPT Eldon Ideus and I (WO Larry Hatch) were making a
MEDEVAC pickup in the An Lo Valley outside of LZ English. While I was flying
downwind, I couldn't help but think how beautiful the elephant grass looked;
it was like a golf course fairway lined on both side by palm trees.
"I made my final approach to an infantry soldier standing waist high in the
grass holding a smoke flare. I was flaring the helicopter for landing, when
at fifteen feet all hell broke loose. The VC had set up an ambush and we
were taking automatic weapons fire from the palm trees as well as the
"I immediately broke off the approach, pulling pitch enough
to maintain RPM at 6,000 (which had bled off from 6,600 RPM) while
simultaneously applying forward cyclic to gain airspeed. With the RPM low
warning light blaring and flashing, and trying to stay at fifteen feet
without hitting the ground, I finally built up enough airspeed and RPM to
get away from the gun fire.
"A bullet had gone through the left door
and through CPT Ideus' right foot. Another bullet went through the open
cargo area, hit the metal plate on the back top of my armored seat which
holds the seat belt web in place, bent it up sending shrapnel into my neck
and then ricocheting off to hit the aircraft's side panel behind the door. I
radioed ahead to LZ English telling them we didn't make the pick up but we
had wounded on board and a wounded helicopter.
"Our wounds were
attended to and CPT Ideus was medevaced back to the United States. I sure
was going to miss old 'Magnet Ass Ideus,' as I called him, for every time we
flew together we got the hell shot out of the aircraft.
Maintenance Officer, WO Arthur Martin, and TI SP6 Clyde Moore, counted one
hundred and twenty-seven bullet holes through the aircraft (exit holes were
not counted). We were lucky that day. MAJ Goodman told me that I needed to
relax and get away from the action so I was sent up North along the coast
line in support of the Marines. The very first mission proved to be no
better than the last bullet riddled mission in the An Lo Valley. But, that's
another war story to read about on our Website. {Next, below}
Mission" By MAJ Larry G. Hatch (USA Ret) WO Call Sign: Mercy 11: "Right
after the mission on 8 April 1967 where both CPT Eldon Ideus and I were
wounded, I was sent up North along the coast-line in support of some Marine
Corps operations to give me a break from the action. Well, I flew out of the
frying pan into the fire. I was in deep doo doo on my very first mission.
"The pick up was right on the coast-line of the South China Sea. The
only vegetation between the rice paddies and the sea was these patches of
twenty foot high willows among other smaller trees.
"The unit on the
ground popped a smoke grenade; I identified the color of smoke and was
making an approach to the LZ when fifteen feet off the ground all hell broke
loose. I wasn’t flying at the controls because I was breaking in a new pilot
so I was looking out my pilot’s left door window looking at the mud flats
and water on the ground when I found myself staring down a rifle barrel.
"A Viet Cong (VC) dressed in all black (common dress), bare footed,
squatted down on the mud bank, was pointing his rifle at me. He fired and
the round went between my feet, hit the cyclic stick, severed wiring, which
resulted in my side of the cockpit filling up with smoke.

"At the
same time, we were taking automatic weapons fire and I was telling my
co-pilot on my radio headset to 'Get the hell out of here.' Well, you are in
your most vulnerable position when you are slowing the aircraft’s descent
for landing and you pull up the collective to get airborne. The helicopter’s
rotor blade RPM immediately starts to bleed off.
"I guess it was my
instructor pilot’s instinct but I had taken over the controls, held the RPM
bleed off to 6000 RPM (down from 6600 RPM) and was able to start moving
forward as the rotor blades were chopping up those willows like a lawn
mower. At least we weren’t crash landing.
"It seemed like we flew
through those willows forever until we flew out of them, turned right
towards the rice paddies with the helicopter’s skids about five feet off the
ground as I was trying to gain airspeed and slowly lowering the collect to
gain RPM. As you can probably determine, that combination of forward cyclic
stick to gain airspeed and downward collective to gain rotor RPM without
hitting the ground was tricky. To top things off, I was trying to see
through a cloud of smoke from burning wire, RPM warning indicator bleeping
constantly and whatever else was going on to keep the aircraft flying.
"Can you imagine a Vietnamese rice farmer, standing up, pushing his
dugout canoe along the rice paddy using a long pole to push him and I’m
flying straight at him; true story. I’ll bet he filled his pants before he
bailed out into the paddy. I didn’t hit the pole or the farmer but I didn’t
alter my flight path; I figured I was the one with the emergency and
besides, I had the right-of-way (come to think of it, maybe not). I still
laugh thinking about it (the farmer, not the mission).
"After two
harrowing missions within three days of each other, they sent me on R&R to
Hawaii on August 19, 1967. I wanted to go to Australia and see those
beautiful ladies they kept show casing in the 'Stars & Stripes' newspaper
but, Hawaii was better than nothing."
Always remembering our 1st Cav
troops on duty around the world; over and out.
Bodnar C 2\7 '69
MEDEVAC 1-7\70