Richard M Russ CPT MSC
Circa 1969

L-R !LT Rick Panowicz 1LT
Jim Lonon CPT Dave Adams

CPT Ed Chance Div Social

Bobbie (The Weathergirl)

Tallest - CPT Fred Lane
receiving award from
LTC Guthrie L Turner 1969

MAJ James Rumbaugh
Div Psychiatrist 0868-0869

Blood Sweat & Tears

Super King

Cheap Thrills

Iron Lung

Remains of Iron Lung after
tail rotor hit 15' RPG screen
(chain link fence)
protecting aid
station at Song Be. Circa1970.

Becker, Mike Smith, Henry "Hank",
"Little Okie" Tuell, "Big Okie" Gibons,
and Norvell Godsie Circa 1970

Song Be, Circa 1970

Cav Museum,
Fort Hood, TX

Company ''C'' 15th Medical
Jan 1966

Cav Fire Support Base Circa
Taken by Tom Purcell
prior to KIA

Baby Huey (Medevac 2) 1971

Home away from home.

Swimming trip from LZ Mace

Green Beret camp north
of Phouc Vinh 1970

Hodges, Sparkman, and ? 1971

Baby Huey and Little Okie 1970

Baby Huey's Phouc Vinh
hootch 1970

Medevac Charlie cook
preparing dog for himself
after feeding us lunch 1971

Medevac Charlie cook
preparing dog for himself
after feeding us lunch 1971

WO1 Tom Trifiro, aka “TT”

Entrance to 15 Med HQ area
in Phouc Vinh

Outside the Officers club
Phouc Vinh

CPT Frank Tycast - Clearing
Station Doc at Phouc Vinh

CPT Dean Stoller-- Clearing
Station Doc and 8th Eng.
Bn Surgeon Phouc Vinh

Sunday afternoon cookout,
15th Med Bn HQ Company
area Phouc Vinh

CPT Stan Lennard, and a
medic at work, A&D
building, 15 Med Bn, Phouc Vinh

"Tiny" Stringfield at mass
causality bunker 15th
Med clearing station, Phouc Vinh

LTC Becker awarding Air Medal
to Tom Garnella at Phouc Vinh
in October 1970

Rich Leonard, Norvell Godsie,
"Arkansas" Smith
Circa 1970

Byrd, Doc Nose, Ferggie,
Honda getting medals

CPT Cooper, WO
Baderschneider, Bart,
and ??

Crewmembers betting
their MPC ration
Medevac Ops circa 1971

Fergie Dreaming of the
Old Days.

Ops Bunker Phouc Vihn
circa 1970

Well maintained
Medevac Ops building

Flynn, Cooper, Flowers,
and Simpson circa 1971

Medevac crewmembers
at Phouc Vinh circa

Coming in hot.

Larry Ash

Ralph Allison (Babyson) 1971

Mora, Cooper, Fergie, Doc
Flowers, and Weaver Phouc
Vinh 1971


Tom Garnella and Dave
Kruzsick Phouc Vinh

McDonald and Hickman

Hall, Strohmer, Putman,
and Sevelius

McClain and Fergie say
goodbye to DEROS flight.

Kevin Raftery and Jimmy
Ong 1971

John Reed and Joel Morris

Jack Powell and John Tabor

Doc Holiday 1971

FSB Fanning 1971

Keys, Powell, Tabor, and
Kramer at Mace

FSB Fanning 1971

Deros at Mace 1971

Mace AO 1971
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