CWO Martin Walker (RIP) CWO Bill Jackson,
Randy Brewer, 1Lt. Charlie Williams (RIP)
and CWO Rifken in pilot's tent LZ Sharon 1968.

Radio station AnKhe on the hill
which was attacked in

Velerio Dobrich in new mess hall
circa 1966.

Thanksgiving 1965, with
cook sergeant, Jerry
Nobles, with cigar.

Joe Maggio, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?.
Ambulance Plt Company C
Camp Evans
Jan/Feb 1968

Medic Mountain Vietnam

Crane Surgical Pod 1966

Crane Pod painting 1966

Surgical Pod undocking
Vietnam '66

Operating unit delivered by
flying crane helicopter to
15th Medical
Battalion 1965.

Surgical Pod under CH-54

Surgical Pod triage

Surgical Pod in flight below
CH-54 1966

Pod and Escorts Nam '66

Jueri J Svjagintsev,
Oct 1965 VN

JJ Svjagintsev,
MAJ Jay Zabriskie

JJ Svjagintsev 11-1965 VN

Surgery Nov 1965 Vietnam

Helipad Oct '65

Jueri J, Oct 1965

Ann Margaret show 1965

Air Medals being presented

Chow 1965


Pet vaccination An Khe 1965


An Khe 1965

Mail Call 1965

Officer's Mess 1965

Jim Norris, Baby Huey, and
Roger Bodwell circa 1971

NVA air-conditioning on
gunner David (Coop) Cooper's
side (FB

Ron Huether (Baby Huey)
making sure Jim Ferguson
(Fergie) checks
boarding passes.

Dave Cooper and Ron Huether.
Yes folks, Baby Huey did
make AC and
fly left seat!

Visiting beach-front
property while working
FSB Mace circa 1971.

Baby Huey on FB Fountain
checking NVA engine
cooling modification.

Coop showing holes in John
(Goldie) Goldsmith's door
circa 1971.

Monty Halcomb, ?,
Huey Huether, ?

Pud and James Keys, Jr. (RIP)

Top of Nui Ba Dinh near
Tay Ninh.

Medevac coming for wounded
in battle for control of
A Shau Valley

?, ?, CPT Don Clawson, ?,
Bill Salinger

Medevac hoist mission with
Blue Max ARA covering.

Christmas at LZ Mace 1970.

SP4 James Richard
Fortenberry DOA 24 Sep 70

?, ?, ?

During Operation Pershing
soldiers tripped mines.

Company B surgery pod
before ammo dump
explosion LZ English.

Company B surgery pod after
ammo dump explosion
LZ English Jun 67.

All that was left after ammo
dump explosion LZ English
Jun 67.

Company B street after
ammo dump explosion
LZ English Jun 67.

Company B after ammo dump
explosion LZ English Jun 67.

Helipad after ammo dump
explosion LZ English Jun 67.

Medevac helo after ammo
dump explosion LZ English
Jun 67.

Company B area after ammo
dump explosion LZ English
Jun 67.

Sleeping quarters for Jerry
Kuklok after ammo dump
explosion LZ
English Jun 67.

Hoist mission over
purple jungle.

Hotel Ritz accommodations f
or Medevac crews at Tay
Ninh circa 1970.

Brady, Fergie, and Tegethoff
(Tiny T) in front of NVA air-
Medevac 19 Oct 70

NVA air-conditioning
under Okie's seat 19 Oct 70.

Brady (medic) points out NVA
air-conditioning meant for
Tiny T door
gunner 16 Oct 70.

Fergie points out NVA
air-conditioning in hell-hole
16 Oct 70.

Okie checks two vents
installed by NVA soldiers
16 Oct 70.

Baby Huey sweats less
after NVA air-conditioning
installed 16 Oct 70.

Fergie, Baby Huey, and Brady
Oct 70.

Baby Huey getting ready
for AC checkride Oct 70.

Vinyard teaching Fergie
which end of the bullet
points down range.

Hank Tuell (Little Okie)
realizing he brought another
aircraft with
holes in it.

Okie showing off two rounds
meant for Baby Huey.

Flight medic Dan Brady with
his red scarf circa 1970.

Reedy Holten and Charlie
and Paranoid the monkeys
circa 1970.

Chris Burgess and
Bobby Coggins with Charlie
and Paranoid.

Mike Parsons with
Fergie's new gunner trainees.

Doc (Mitch) Mitchel
Mike Parsons and Jon
Hodges's on Kathmandu
the day before

Jon Hodges checking patient
protection system.


Don Tegethoff circa 1970.

Mike Vineyard

Jimmy Ong, ?, Ubelacker

Whitey going home.

Crewchief Triplett

Dave Sheets

Triplett doing gun

Triplett clearing left.

Triplett having conversation
with his reflection.

Fergie, Tegethoff, and ?

Whitey, Fergie, and
Tegethoff, two Cokes and
a Pepsi.

Medevac Ops Phouc Vinh had
no glass in windows.


Baby Huey and Doc
Haliday after shoot down.

LTC Becker pins medal
on Baby Huey and then
Dan Brady circa 1970.

Baby Huey takes a
security nap.

Tom Trifiro, Quinn Becker,
Jimmy Norris

Halliday, ?, Jackson, Tabor

Halliday, Tabor, Trifiro,
MG Putnam, Norris, Kramer

Ralph Allison (Babyson) winning
the hearts and minds.

Jimmy Norris deals to Triplet,
Warren Jackson (Popason),
and Tabor

Patient backhaul from
Phouc Vinh to Long Binh

?,?, Hodges at Katum airstrip
on Cambodian border

Michael Cummings Herrera

Warran (Papason) Jackson,
Jimmy Horris, and
Roger Bodwell

CPT John Pacanowski

SFC Johnny G. Gregg, KIA
Tay Ninh 1968

Medevac tent at Tay Ninh
circa 1970.

Rodney K.
Arnold killed on
test flight 25 Apr 70

Phouc Vinh, Medevac Alpha

Tom Hirst first served as
medic with Charlie Co 1/12th
then Div Surgeons Office 1970.
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