Photos Page 8
Have some pictures of "back in the day" that you can scan? Then send them
to and we'll see about getting them added
to this photos page so other can enjoy them.
And if you can fill in any missing titles in the pictures below, please
and let him know.

Joe Kelly

SP4 Brown

SP4 Brown (on left) and Deros
15th Mess Hall Phouc Vinh
Company C, Quan Loi
after a satchel attack

Medevac helicopter revetments
and downtown Phouc Vinh

John Mcclun outside Med
Supply Phouc Vinh

Phouc Vinh

Line for fine French dining
at Phouc Vinh

Phouc Vinh

Phouc Vinh

John Mcclun's
after mortar hit

John Mcclun

Piss tube Phouc Vinh

FSB Buttons (B Company)
circa 1970

FSB Buttons (B Company)
circa 1970
Dennis Behm at the crewman's monument
CPT Pacanowski showing Lan Thompson how to dress a wound on
Vietnamese boy. Circa 1968

Monty's wedding in 72
Tuell, Monty, and
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