War Stories 10
Enjoy the stories in this section. Some of them may even have been true!! Have a favorite war story you've been relating over the years? Well sit down
and shoot us a draft of it. Don't worry, we'll do our best to correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling before we publish it. to us and we'll publish them for all to enjoy.

Beginning of Medevac Meadows
By CPT Stephen F. Modica
I first met Warrant Officer Louis R. Rocco in Phuoc Vinh, Republic
of Vietnam. Then a Sergeant First Class, Rocco was a real
contributor - the type of supervisor who could think. Appropriately, he
was assigned as an advisor to an Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) medical battalion. My unit was the 15th Medical Battalion, 1st Air
Cavalry Division.
SGT Rocco enjoyed talking shop with other
Americans and. visited us quite frequently to establish a closer
liaison. He was a conscientious worker striving to learn our techniques that he could train his unit and not slow our extraction efforts
when we picked up the wounded.
Although SGT Rocco was an advisor to
a medical battalion, he was not "in the action" enough, so he
sometimes replaced my medic and flew with Medevac 2 - or The Wild
Deuce - as referred to by the units we served.
On I May 1970, when the
Cambodian incursion began, I was sent to a Special Forces outpost to provide closer support to the incursion task force. I was assigned to
support the 25th Infantry and the 1st Cavalry Division. After two
weeks SGT Rocco's ARVN battalion moved in to support the ARVN
companies working in the area.
Everything broke loose on about the
20th of May and for three days Medevac 2 was kept busy hustling
wounded Americans back to the Special Forces camp. On the 23rd of May,
I had to "chop down a tree" to extract a wounded American and then fly
back to Phuoc Vinh to get a new set of rotor blades for my UH-IH.
While I was at Phuoc Vinh; SGT Rocco dropped by and asked for a ride
to the Special Forces camp 4 with me. I agreed to take him.
route the next morning, Medevac Delta (Medevac base operations at the
Special Forces camp) called in an urgent mission to extract several
critically wounded men from one of the companies to which SGT Rocco
was as advisor. SGT Rocco said that he would like to go along to help
my medic. I agreed. We flew into the Special Forces camp, offloaded
supplies, picked up an extra chicken plate for SGT Rocco and took
off. Upon arriving at the pickup site, two AH-l HueyCobra gun birds
(Precise Swords 12 and Precise Swords 12A) made contact and were ready
to give me the necessary firepower being full of nails and rockets
(flechette and high explosive 2.75 inch rockets). After getting a
briefing from the ground troops, I picked my approach direction,
coordinated with the gun birds and proceeded to make a high speed
low altitude approach to the LZ (landing zone). We began taking light
machinegun fire; Precise Swords 12 returned the fire as I flared the
ship for touchdown. Two slugs hit my chicken plate and a third hit my
knee. Upon landing, my copilot, LT Cauberreaux, looked to me in jest
to tell me I'd landed rather hard - then he realized I was hit.
Immediately he took command and decided to "get outta there." Pulling
pitch he yelled to the gunships that we were getting out. Suddenly,
the entire ridge line opened fire. I noticed our rpm (revolutions per
minute) going past 5,500 and reached out to key the mike for a MAYDAY -
"The Wild Deuce is going down, XU-5606, MAYDAY XU-5606!"
The tail
boom flew away from the ship and we dropped about 50 feet to the
ground; the tanks of the ship burst into flames. SGT Rocco, I guess,
was thrown from the aircraft, which was on its right side in full blaze. I unhooked my seat belts as SGT Rocco came clambering into
the ship and bodily threw me through the shattered windshield; he
then assisted LT Cauberreaux from the aircraft and returned a third
time to pull my wounded medic from the fire. (One of my gunners also
had been thrown free of the crash and knocked unconscious.)
Rocco, realizing we were still short one man, returned to the raging inferno but could not find the other gunner who was pinned beneath
the aircraft. The two gunships continued their runs against the enemy
positions in an attempt to provide us cover. SGT Rocco began shuttling
us to cover because the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) battalion was
still pouring automatic weapons fire toward us. I tried to run but my legs
wouldn't function so SGT Rocco half-shoved, half-dragged me to
the tree line and then returned to help the others. As he was leading
LT Cauberreaux to cover, two enemy bullets ripped across Cauberreaux'
chicken plate. SGT Rocco had led us to safety with a broken hip and
wrist; additionally, while extracting the crewmen from the wreckage he
had sustained severe burns on his hands. Disregarding excruciating
pain, he continued to administer first aid to his wounded comrades
until his wounds and burns caused him to collapse and lose
As stated in Warrant Officer Rocco's citation for the
Medal of Honor, "His bravery under fire and intense devotion to duty
were directly responsible for saving three of his fellow Soldiers from
certain death."
WO Rocco distinguished himself
when he volunteered to accompany a medical evacuation team on an urgent
mission to evacuate 8 critically wounded Army of the Republic of Vietnam
personnel. As the helicopter approached the landing zone, it became the
target for intense enemy automatic weapons fire. Disregarding his own
safety, WO Rocco identified and placed accurate suppressive fire on the
enemy positions as the aircraft descended toward the landing zone.
Sustaining major damage from the enemy fire, the aircraft was forced to
crash land, causing WO Rocco to sustain a fractured wrist and hip and a
severely bruised back. Ignoring his injuries, he extracted the survivors
from the burning wreckage, sustaining burns to his own body. Despite intense
enemy fire, WO Rocco carried each unconscious man across approximately 20
meters of exposed terrain to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam perimeter.
On each trip, his severely burned hands and broken wrist caused excruciating
pain, but the lives of the unconscious crash survivors were more important
than his personal discomfort, and he continued his rescue efforts. Once
inside the friendly position, WO Rocco helped administer first aid to his
wounded comrades until his wounds and burns caused him to collapse and lose
consciousness. His bravery under fire and intense devotion to duty were
directly responsible for saving 3 of his fellow soldiers from certain death.
His unparalleled bravery in the face of enemy fire, his complete disregard
for his own pain and injuries, and his performance were far above and beyond
the call of duty and were in keeping with the highest traditions of
self-sacrifice and courage of the military service.
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Medevac Meadows - The Whole Story
from the Amedd history
One of these hoist missions during the Cambodian operation demonstrated
that the air ambulance pilots had no monopoly on heroism among the U.S. Army
medical personnel in Vietnam. On the morning of 24 May 1970 a helicopter of
the Air Ambulance Platoon was ferrying S. Sgt. Louis R. Rocco, the medical
adviser of a MACV advisory team stationed at Katum. Since December 1969 Sergeant Rocco had served as liaison to the 1st ARVN Airborne
Division's medical battalion. He had trained ARVN personnel on mission
requests, use of the hoist, the forest penetrator, and the semi-rigid
litter, and he also had presented classes on basic first aid. Whenever his
duties allowed him the time, Rocco rode the medical helicopters on live
missions to help the medical corpsmen and to practice some "hands on"
medicine himself.
At 1100 on 24 May, Medevac 2 with Sergeant Rocco on
board flew toward its base at Katum, in northern Tay Ninh province along the
Cambodian border. A request for a pickup came in through the radio of a
command-and-control helicopter flying overhead. The call was on behalf of
eight urgent patients of the 1st ARVN Airborne Division. Two of the
division's companies, the 61st and 63d, were on a sweep operation five miles
inside the Cambodian border. The day before, the two companies had made
contact with a North Vietnamese force that broke off and withdrew. The
commander of the 61st Company had the small task force dig in for the night.
The enemy attacked at dawn on the twenty-fourth but was repulsed by the
defenders. In pursuing the North Vietnamese the ARVN soldiers took eight
casualties. The U.S. advisers to the 61st and 63d Companies radioed their
evacuation request through Maj. Jesse W. Myers, Jr., senior battalion
adviser, who was overhead in a command-and-control helicopter. The pilot of
Medevac 2, 1st Lt. Stephen F. Modica, radioed that he would take the mission
as soon as he dropped off a load of supplies. At Katum, the crew threw the
beer and sodas onto the pad, grabbed an extra chest protector for Rocco, and
took off again. Regulations of the 1st Cavalry required gunship cover for
evacuation missions if a unit had been in contact with the enemy within the
past twenty-four hours. Usually C Battery, 2d Battalion, 20th Aerial Rocket
Artillery-the "Blue Max"-provided this cover by orbiting a team of two AH-1G
Cobras, one high and one at treetop level. Medevac 2 had already learned
from the U.S. adviser with the ARVN companies that the last contact had been
to the north two hours earlier. Soon the Blue Max gun team arrived on
station; Modica briefed them on the situation and said he would shoot his
approach from the south. When the helicopter dropped to the landing zone,
North Vietnamese hidden in the trees and along the ridge line opened fire
with small arms and automatic weapons. The lower gunbird opened fire at the
muzzle flashes in the trees. On its second pass it used its grenade
launcher; the enemy redirected some of its fire and the gunship took its
first hit. On its next run it again took enemy fire.
Just before the
Medevac landed, two enemy rounds hit Modica in the chest protector and one
passed through his left knee and lodged against the femur. As soon as the
aircraft bumped down, the copilot turned to kid Modica
that he ought to practice his landings. When he saw Modica's wounds, he took
the controls and pulled the ship out of the landing zone. The aircraft rose
fifty feet into the air before the engine stalled and the aircraft crashed
back to the ground. Major Myers later described what he saw from above in
his command-and-control ship: "The [Medevac] ship seemed to land, then shot
up in the air, and then fell to the ground rolling over on its side,
thrashing around like a wounded insect.... Smoke was pouring out of the ship
by this time...." The two gunships made low firing passes to give the
Medevac crew a chance to get out, if any still lived. One Cobra gunship came
to a high hover over the burning Medevac, spinning and firing at the North
Vietnamese. The gunship took twenty-nine hits before its ammunition ran out,
forcing it to depart. The pilot transmitted a Mayday for the downed Medevac,
giving its location and identification, and then called Medevac Operations
to repeat the information.
All the Medevac crew were stunned at first
and unable to move. Finally Rocco dragged himself out and crawled away. He
had a fractured wrist and hip and a severely bruised back. As soon as he
realized that the crew was still inside, he went back. He pulled Modica
through the shattered windshield and carried him across twenty meters of
exposed terrain to the ARVN perimeter. One by one he brought the unconscious
crew out. All were in bad shape. Modica had his serious leg wound. The
copilot, 1st Lt. Leroy G. Cauberreaux, had a broken collar bone and
fractured ribs. Sp5c. Terry Burdette, the medical corpsman, had a broken
shoulder and a broken leg. The gunner, Sp4c. Gary Taylor, who sat in the
right door, was crushed and burned when the ship crashed and rolled, and
Rocco severely burned his hands trying to find him. The nearby ARVN soldiers
could not help because the enemy was shooting at anyone who moved. The two
bullets that hit Cauberreaux in the chest protector as Rocco carried him
toward the ARVN perimeter did no further damage. Rocco had saved his three
comrades from certain death.
At Quan Loi, the Air Ambulance Platoon's
base, Capt. Henry O. Tuell III, aircraft commander of Medevac 1, yelled to
his pilot, 1st Lt. Howard Elliot, that Modica had been shot down. Elliot was
in the shower; he grabbed a towel and ran to get his clothes, scattering
soapy lather as he went. By the time he had thrown his clothes on, Tuell had
already cranked the aircraft; off they flew, Elliot lacing boots and
fastening zippers. Although several other aircraft were in the area, Medevac
1 was the first evacuation ship on the scene. Medevac 2 was still burning,
throwing off blankets of black smoke, Medevac 1 made its approach straight
in and the enemy tried for another score. On each side of Medevac 1 two
Cobras fired flechettes, machine guns, grenades, and rockets; but enemy
rounds still hit the ship. One came through the left door and hit the
armored seat just below Tuell's hand. Shrapnel and
shattered porcelain from the seat peppered his hand and wrist. Elliot took
the controls and nursed the ship back to Quan Loi where a doctor cleaned,
stitched, and dressed Tuell's injuries.
Two hours later, after
several air and artillery strikes around the perimeter, the pilot of Medevac
12, Lt. John Read, had his gunship escort lay down a heavy rocket
preparation as he tried a high-speed, low-level approach to Medevac 2. The
North Vietnamese, still safely bunkered behind 1 1/2 feet of concrete,
blasted Medevac 12 out of the area before it could land. Bullets punctured
the fuel cells and disabled the engine. With his tachometer falling, Lt.
Read managed to land his ship safely in a nearby clearing, where the crew
was immediately picked up.
Back at the crash site Modica remained
conscious despite loss of much blood, and talked to the aircraft orbiting
helplessly overhead. The American adviser with the ARVN forces, S. Sgt.
Louis Clason, told him that the ARVN soldiers had not been resupplied in two
days and were running out of everything, including water. Modica told him,
"Hey, listen. We have one case of beer in the tail boom of the aircraft. You
run out there -at least that's something to drink." Clason told him,
"Lieutenant, you don't even know what your aircraft looks like. It is burned
completely to the ground." About 1800, Modica radioed the nearby aircraft
that the ARVN defenders might not be able to hold on through the night.
After an hour of continuous friendly shelling around the allied perimeter,
Medevac 21, piloted by CWO Raymond Zepp and covered by gunships, made the
third attempt to reach the downed aircraft. The Cobra fired a 360º pattern
with rockets and miniguns, but enemy fire still riddled the Medevac,
knocking out its radios and starting an electrical fire. Like Medevac 12,
Medevac 21 landed in a field 500 meters to the west; its crew was quickly
pulled out. Nightfall prevented any further rescue attempts.
the long hours of darkness, the enemy launched three assaults on the small
perimeter. Flares overhead illuminated the area and allowed the Americans to
call in artillery and gunships to break up the ground attacks. By nightfall
Rocco's injuries had immobilized him. After pulling his crew from the
burning ship, he had treated their injuries and the ARVN casualties he could
get to. Soon his injured hip and hand stiffened, making any effort to move
excruciatingly painful. Finally he passed out. Modica's leg swelled to twice
its normal size and the pain immobilized him too. Cauberreaux moved about
and lit cigarettes for the men, but with his crushed right side he could do
little else. Since they had no morphine or other painkiller, they had to
At Quan Loi, planning for an all-out rescue attempt continued
well into the night. The plan called for two Medevacs to go in and evacuate
Modica's crew and any South Vietnamese possible. A third
would hover nearby to extricate the crews if trouble developed and to
evacuate any remaining ARVN casualties. Since all their Medevacs were shot
up, destroyed, or committed elsewhere, the 1st Cavalry had to borrow three
non-divisional Dust Off helicopters. At 0930 next morning ARVN and American
howitzer batteries started laying a barrage of smoke rounds in the area to
create a screen for the upcoming rescue. just before the operation began,
four Cobras fired more smoke rounds. At 1145 the flight of three Medevacs
with three cobras on each side started into the area. The first ship in
loaded Modica and his crew and flew out. The second extracted several ARVN
wounded and also safely left the area. An enemy rocket hit the third ship as
it took off with two remaining ARVN casualties, but the crew brought the
ship down without further injuries and was quickly rescued.
The next day nine pilots and crewmen involved in this rescue received
Silver Stars. Sergeant Rocco was awarded the Medal of Honor for his part in saving Modica and most
of his crew.
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